
Almost. They keep turning them off. Or they’re on but they turned the audio off. Or they’re on with the audio on but the footage “got lost somehow”.

And now that the Supreme Court is decidedly more conservative, if police took a challenge to the legality of bodycams that far, they could well win it.

Well, actually, I don’t. I was the one who brought up the possibility in the first place and Anne was the one who gave me the space to do that.

Sitting here in Long Beach, I felt a great disturbance. As if a bunch of Beverly/Morgan Park jagoffs cried out and were suddenly silenced.

Almost. Except when theyre unfortunately not turned on, or mysteriously malfunction...

“Convicted of murder and acquitted of official misconduct”


First degree murder requires willful premeditation. This was spur of the moment reaction. The charge and verdict are good.

I gave a prayer of gratitude when my friend told me the news. Now, please God, can we get some justice for Stephon Clark here in Sacramento?

From what I understand he can get probation for the 2nd degree murder charge, but that each aggravated battery charge with a firearm carries a 6-30 year sentence that must be served to 85%. If my math is right he’s looking at around at least 81 years.

Right? Isn’t filing a false report a crime?

There are at least 3 other cops charged with crimes related to covering up this murder. Trials to start soon I heard. 

The existence of body cameras is almost like a miracle in combating racist cops. 

Yeah, that’s just sad - they systematically tried to cover up a murder, and will likely face zero consequences for it. Again, another thing that probably happens way more than we even know about. 

It refuted the blatant lies on a lot of police reports. There should be about a dozen other cops heading to prison over that.

2nd degree feels like a compromise. If he doesn’t serve at least 10 years, it’s not justice.

I’m annoyed about the misconduct charges.  Until lying cops are punished, there’s no incentive to tell the truth. 

I feel relief. I feel grateful. I feel sad.

Peace to you. How horrible. Sorry that happened to you both.

Oh that is horrible! I want to gag on your behalf.

A man behind me on a bus kept grabbing my hair and moaning. I think he was masturbating but I was to frozen to look around. I learned to wear a ponytail on the bus.