Sing it, sister! I, too, am cursed with hair that won’t curl. I love Black hair and would wear mine in dreads if i could.
Sing it, sister! I, too, am cursed with hair that won’t curl. I love Black hair and would wear mine in dreads if i could.
Sing it, sister! I, too, am cursed with hair that won’t curl. I love Black hair and would wear mine in dreads if i could.
Actually, I was planning to put it on some tee shirts. Want one?
Great site! One more thing we have to fix after we trounce the fascists. Having worked in corrections the numbers don’t surprise me. My family rolled their eyes at me when I called our prisons “concentration camps for Blacks and Indians (Native Americans).” Now they can see the truth, that the Republicans since Nixon…
That is bs. Most large corporations pay less taxes here than they do in other countries. Many large corporations pay no taxes once they use all the write offs and deductions, tax credits, etc available under our laws. The world’s governments need to join together to end tax havens. Top tax rates dropped from 70% at…
That cartoon ought to be on the front pages and screens of every newspaper/news media outlet. That’s what is at stake- your money and your life.
That was the ugliest, most misogynistic, racist crap I ever read. I threw that book in the trash after ripping it to shreds. Whites are slaves and Blacks are cannibals. It was foul. Fuck Heinlein. I never destroyed a book before. I hate the thought of destroying someone’s work but that was nasty and destructive tripe.
I agree with everything you’ve said. I have to add that you could say the same thing about the depiction of women in fantasy/sci fi. Women are there as mystical guides or damsels in distress. Katniss was exciting because she was so far outside the trope. I love scifi so much. I wore out my first copy of the Martian…
The NRA convinced it’s Congressional minions that there should be no national gun registry. If we had a national registry the aauthorities would have been given a heads up that this guy had been stockpiling weapons. If we had national and rational laws there would be no loopholes that allowed people to buy guns…
If they want to depict suffering in a truly relevant and hip way they should try poking sharp objects in their faces wnd leave innocent animals out of it. What a load of too precious bull.
It’s too bad that they can’t get everyone but the professor who invited lttle jbs to boycott the talk. An empty auditorium could be the best response to these vile b@stards. What would happen if racists held a rally and no one showed up? Wouldn’t we all like to know.
Just watched that bit with Trevor. What a perfect piece! The fact is the rethuglicans are never happy when other people protest. It’s okay if entitled white male twits show up in their oversized trucks with their open carry guns to protest their wretched oppression. That’s practically ‘Murican.
Trump likes to hurt people when he is angry and/or frustrated. Viruses have greater ethics than that shell of a human being.
People do not understand how the wealth, concentrated in the top 1 %, is chasing the same stocks, real estate, etc. People’s wages have been falling or stagnant for 40 years. The middle class tax opponents who drank the right wing’s antitax kool aid, have helped put the nails in their own coffin by voting in a crew…
That attitude is why we can’t have nice things. Nice things like excellent schools, universal healthcare, affordable housing, and bridges that aren’t falling down.
So she watches Faux News all day, does she.
There are tens of thousands of patients who are dying while awaiting an organ donation. We could save them and cut time off the prison sentences at the same time by taking one of an inmate’s redundant organs for these patients. You only need one kidney, lung, or eye-why not “donate” the other? It could save money from…
I would call this chutzpah. Murdering both parents then throwing yourself on the mercy of the court because you are an orphan is the classic definition of chutzpah. Unlike hubris which is more arrogant, chutzpah has an element of guile, of planning behind the outrageous behaviors.
I wondered for years how these bastards could look themselves in the mirror every morning. Then I met a Congressman and realized he didn’t have a reflection.