
Back in the late 70s I worked at a bar above Georgetown. I remember this small town guy visiting his friend the secret service agent. I remember him as one of a series of mediocre men who bellied up to my bar. He was going on and on about a former first lady and what a “whore” she was for staying with man “for the

Thug is a generic term for a violent villain. It comes from India. There was a sect of strongman assassins known as thuggees. They roamed across India for hundreds of years. In this case there is no racist implication.

I once came up with the idea of starting a business that would“rent a thug coach” to burst into your room at dawn and make you jog. You know, when we were getting of cocaine and starting to exercise? Anyone?

This doesn’t surprise me. Portland is becoming so impossible. The rents are beyond what local incomes can support, our city council, mayor, and state government are corrupt, unaccountable to the public, and incompetent. Our property taxes on a 1540 sft house were 3k last year. Our WATER bill is $500/3 month in the PNW

Under the Oregon constitution, it was illegal for POC to live in the state until the state was forced to change its constitution in 1929. The Chinese settlements in eastern Oregon were burned down in the latter 19th C once the rails were finished. It is an unacknowledged fact that this state was settled by the whites

This little shitheel is lucky this olde white lady didn’t see him. I would have shown him what that crap was really like when I was a kid. I fucking hate these entitled weasels. I love the brother making the comments on the longer video. “Look at him! He’s so scaared!” Burn, baby, burn.

I wish I could answer this. I think all people are capable of doing the absolute best or worst things imaginable. I think there is a subset of every privileged group that got there without effort but believe they “earned” whatever success they’ve enjoyed. They are often the meanest and laziest a-holes around. I have

I don’t think a 5 or 6 year old even sees social differences. I started talking about segregation, slavery, etc with my kids as part of reading to them as kids. I exposed them to African Americans in art and literature, as well as American history. I was lucky that we lives in the DC metro region. I made sure they saw

I like the way you think. Tweet that T-rumfer.

The biggest factor determining state of health is poverty. From the 2009 Economic Tsunami until the last year, we had cuts in PP services in many states. Millions were out of work, a chronic problem for POC with the reigning last hired first fired mentality. Poor WOC lost access to insurance and state supported

I once got up on the DC Metro to give my seat to a very pregnant woman and before she could sit down some teenaged shit head raced to the seat and sat down. No one said a word. I looked at him, curled my lip, and said,"Your mother must be so proud. Such manners." He, of course pretended to ignore me. I waited a few

Got bird flu followed by double pneumonia and still worked overtims for weeks before the holidays. I figured I wasn’t the only one sick, and I wasn’t. Why you should immunize healthcare workers first, people!

The Fekaktah Funk, my favorite!

Land of the Deplorables, Iowa is more than corn! Mighty Ohio, land of Milk and Honey Meth and Skeezy Politicos! Let's make a movie about the Legions of Deplorables and how their incompetence almost destroyed the ozone and brought about the recent Ice Age!


Especially upper class white men. Says this old white lady.

Idaho north of Boise had such scary anti Obama signs in front of homes and businesses that this little old white Jewish lady literally bolted from the state.

Notice how those lines get edited out of all the news?

Until 1929 it was illegal under the Oregon Constitution for POC to live iin Oregon. There were a few hotels that “allowed” them to stay for short periods of time if they were travelling through or in the state for a specific job. I have never met more unabashed racists. It helps to remember that most of the white

I grew up on scifi books and movies. Anything short of interstellar travel, something like a model or plaything, would irritate and bore me. At my age I don't have interest in such unimportant trifles. It has taken 30 years for that guy to build an unfinished cathedral, I am 60+ years old, no thank you.