
don't be an asshat.

What kind of trillium? Does it matter how the tea is prepared? I find folk cures fascinating. There was a plant used by the Romans that was so effective that it became extinct. I guess they drank it as a tea as well.

As a survivor of repeated childhood rape, I respectfully disagree.

This! Any metal that is nonferrous, that is not iron based, will cause steel/iron to rust faster. The cars built back in the '70s rusted so fast you could almost stand and watch it happen. They put the steel "skin" on with copper rivets. (They knew better-it was planned obsolescence).

Most people don't realize that pitbulls and other like dogs were used by the Victorians to babysit young children and babies. They are sweet and gentle animals. You have to really work to make a dog mean. They have 30-40,000 years of selective breeding compelling them to behave well.

True Detective was such a great production its first season that it's almost certain to disappoint now. McConnoughey and Harrelson were so compelling and the images so haunting. How do you follow that?

Fitz will suffocate when his sense of self importance rolls over in its sleep and lands on him.

Oh now don't be koi. We know you really want a fuzzy pet.

TB is an acid fast bacteria. This type of bacteria is very hard to kill but it is not easy to transmit. It has a waxy cell coating and it needs high levels of oxygen to flourish. You can have TB and not know it. Your body tries to isolate the bacteria by "walling" it up inside pockets of scar tissue. It can be dormant

I wish I had been given up for adoption rather than be raised as I was by a mother who resented my needs and my very existence. There are things you can say to a kid that can never be called back, can never be unsaid. Have a kid, realize it's a mistake? Let someone who wants the child and who will love the child be

You'll Rousseau posting that. Wait 'til the editors come and Descartes you off.

How about clothes in Natual Fibers, already! I am allergic to polyester and have to hunt like crazy for cotton, linen, silk, etc.

I'm there too! And Chritter and Acid Martini an—whut are you doing in my dream, Snack? I get Martha in the Maine house. You get her in the New York digs. Move it.

By law they MUST be belled like lepers of old else how would you know they were about.

I told both my kids that the later you postpone your first sexual experience the higher a level of education you will achieve and the higher your lifetime income would be. When daughter was 15-16 encouraged her to masturbate and get to know her body, to learn what she likes. When she's ready for a lover she'll know

God! I wish these idiots could spend one day taking care of a baby or toddler with whooping cough. The first time I heard a kid with it I thought he woukd turn his lungs inside out coughing. He was vomiting with the coughing and crying inconsolably. It was the most heart breaking sight/sounds I ever beheld.

slit ventricle syndrome? skull fractures? is this post MVA?

Not to mention every woman who had pre eclampsia.

I love snakes although I don't own any. I think they are beautiful and delicate creatures. I don't get the hate or the fear. It's odd that the West views snakes as evil. In the East they are seen as agents of good, as being wise. Maybe it's because I was born in the year of the snake.

Three Stooges gif here* "What a maroon!"