
When Diana and Charles went to Australia on their first trip as a married couple,Charles’ nose got out of joint over the press fawning all over his wife instead of himself. I remember he was put out for months over Diana’s allure in the press. I think some of the same courtiers who slammed Kate for being too common

I was so afraid of my dolls,believing my big brother who said my dolls knew I hated dolls and were going to come into my bedroom and get me one night, that I nailed them to the floor with giant 3 inch nails through the heads into our hardwood floor when I was about 5 or 6 years old. My mother ws less than thrilled

Republicans don’t need voters, they’ve controlled the polls in swing and red state. “It isn’t who votes that counts, it’s who counts the votes.” Purge the rolls, institute voter  ID and make regulations hard for poor people to meet, move the polls on Election Day, send the police to sweep poor and minority

I was so sad when she withdrew from the race. I love this woman! Her five minutes grilling Jeff Sessions (not to mention that twisty slimy toad, Barr) were the best televoision evah! and a clear illustration of why a diverse Senate is so important. I was backing KH and EW for the CIC role but would be thrilled to see

This white girl is right there with you. I am so grateful our governor is a Democratic woman. Oregon was one of the first states to issue stay at home orders. Our infection rates, as seen by hospitalizations, has stabilized.

He was one of the primary forces that pushed the Clinton impeachments. He and his female friend, whose name is lost- Linda something- set up poor Monica to be shamed . It is long story, I suggest you google about the whole thing.

I cannot even go near what this little girl’s parents must be going through. I spent an incredibly long 10 minutes searching for my then 2 year old girl at a large park. I could not find her anywhere and for 10 minutes I knew a grief and a terror that I have no words to describe. My heart is with her parents.

Either that or she’s discovered anti gravity. It don’t work for her like it does for everyone else.

The U. N. disagrees. The WHO has declared it a probable carcinogen. It is a nasty herbicide.

Olde white lady here. I was maybe 7 or 8 when I saw SotS and Dumbo. I immediately recognized the racism in both, although I did not have the words to explain why the movie made me so uncomfortable. I reacted with distress as a kid when I saw a person, animal, or group being ridiculed, shamed or picked on. I hated

I have only recently heard of artificial discs. I have to do some research on them and ask the neurosurgeons. I will have to fuse L4-5, L5-S1, and possibly L3-4 in the future but I would rather not have any more fusions, thank you very much. Your story is very encouraging, thanks.

A pune. How droll.

I  am so glad it has gotten better for you. My heart goes out to you after hearing about your accident. People who have never experienced sudden wrenching changes to their health and destruction of their life's dreams have no clue as to how hard it is to adapt to the changes.

Came out of a coma for 3 days only to hallucinate in the ICU from lack of sleep. Had a pulmonary embolism and my husband found me on the floor. My O2 levels were down to 70%. I never want to do that again.

Came out of a coma for 3 days only to hallucinate in the ICU from lack of sleep. Had a pulmonary embolism and my husband found me on the floor. My O2 levels were down to 70%. I never want to do that again.

A male patient rated a sprained ankle at 10 on the scale once. Before I knew I was saying it I blurted out Sir, you have never given birth. You have no idea what a 10 feels like. I immediately apologized because it was really unprofessional and rude. He just laughed and said I was probably right. Sprains hurt like

I feel your pain. I ran a fever, vomited and had severe pain for a week before I threw in the towel and went to the ER. Turned out my gall bladder was shot, I had a severe kidney infection, and apparently my blood count was so low that the docs knew I had to be bleeding internally. I told my husband that, were it a

I feel your pain. I ran a fever, vomited and had severe pain for a week before I threw in the towel and went to the ER. Turned out my gall bladder was shot, I had a severe kidney infection, and apparently my blood count was so low that the docs knew I had to be bleeding internally. I told my husband that, were it a

I had both those discs fused. It was hell before that. Lost use of my right arm and hand.

At least you have a disc at L5-S1, mine is completely shot. I was surprised at how small and shriveled up it looked on film. My L3-4 looks like that film of a herniated disc. I am having surgery next month.