I second Pretty in Duckie! Maybe we can they can throw in Thomas as well!
I second Pretty in Duckie! Maybe we can they can throw in Thomas as well!
According to the Facebook page the guy has been fired as of 9/5. Srsly? I was gonna start posting annoying comments,too.
Joan was the first woman I heard who stood up to the bullshit nice girl role that society demanded. Joan, you gave me courage and showed me how to laugh at a world that wanted to tame me.
After years of making me laugh, Joan, you finally managed to make me cry. I thank you opening up the trail for those of us to follow.
No, at Best, Baddest and Beyond.
I am not a violent person, but even I want punch that face. He has the kind of face in search of a knuckle sandwich you find in gritty crime lit. If he weren't white he'd have cauliflower freckles on that ugly Irish mug.
I have had this same argument with my husband for 30+ years. He learned to drive in California and always brought up the argument that the gear teeth could chip if parked in gear. I learned to drive in Maine where I was taught to park in gear because brake cables can freeze.
I think we need to implement our super secret Plan Junior- that will forcibly impregnate anti-choice men and force them to carry the fetus to term. Men getting pregnant is the only way to change the law.
And diamonds on the soles of her shoes....
Mark, I am sorry you had to go through that. My eldest daughter is gay, my middle daughter is straight and my youngest is a transdaughter. I never want my kids to think that they are less than perfect as they are to me. I wish the middle one would clean her room and I am sorry my oldest lives so far away, but that…
Don't judge the kid too harshly. There are things no parent should EVER say to their kid, things that can never be called back, that will sever the cord that ties them together. My mother never wanted me and made that very clear. Nothing is as painful as being rejected by your parents. You go through life feeling…
Learning I was less than a corporation, person-wise, was a shock to me as a woman, since every human person who currently exists on the planet earth was born of a woman. Maybe corporations are classified as super-people because they're something men can give birth to.
Said purchase paid for by said beaten shitless douchebag husband.
I suppose these students would have no standing legally to bring a civil rights lawsuit against JHU. Any lawyers know what other options women at JHU have? It seems to me that the behavior of these administrators is designed to deny their females students their rights under Title IX.
If it weren't for Joan today's women comedians would not have the freedom they have. I am old enough to remember her in the early 70s / late 60s when she was considered too vulgar for tv. If she were a man no one would be calling her mean. Joan has helped a number of young women and men. She sends her staff's kids…
FYI: Alkaline burns are more serious than aciduc burns. Alkaline agents burn through skin and fat faster and deeper than acidic agents. The tip to keep vinegar on hand is a good one. Also, this is why you should ALWAYS LABEL SUBSTANCES IN ANONYMOIS PACKAGING! This is one of my pet peeves.