
Thank G-d that Ian wasn't physically harmed. That assault should have landed that teacher in jail. Shame on the principal, police and the city attorneys for not showing the "zero tolerance" toward vicious physical violence from teachers that they nail children with every day.

Oh yesssss! There is something hot about knowing you could run your hand up a man's thigh to sexy places without stopping.

It's not shame, it's ignorance. Tea Partiers have a bowdlerized version of American history that matches their misunderstanding of their mistranslated Bibles. In fact, if years of being in and around politics have taught me anything, it's that politicians have no shame.

You are obviously quite uninformed about the process and purpose of women's menstrual cycle. Please read the article in the following link. We laugh about the gruesome aspects of our bodies because we know if we don't we'd go round the bend with worry. Please do not lecture us. if you read the excellent article

in veras vagina vino toss

I can't wait! I would like to see the women on the Daily Show get more air time.

I love my kids but I would be lying if I said there weren't times that I wished I'd made other choices. I had a mother who frequently told me that she wished she'd never had me, that I was a mistake. There are somethings so searing that once said can never be taken back. There are somethings it is unforgivable for

Her performance as the wounded and neglected wife was so convincing. She was so compelling.

I didn't think the talIban read jezebel.

" />

I understand how you feel. I tried for a long time and the local Oregon rescues would not release dogs despite my fenced yard and experience. I still think there was something hinky going on. The woman in charge was a breeder and I wondered if she didn't have some side business with these dogs. I hope I didn't

I love westies- Westhighland White Terriers. I have owned four and everyone was a rescue. The fact is 25% of dogs in shelters are purebreeds. EVERY pet I've owned has been neutered.

Please listen to everyone about the dangers this parent represents. Not only do these parents have anger issues, they have trouble recognizing boundaries. The tolerance, no encouragement shown her by management is like pouring kerosene on a fire. She will feel entitled and empowered to act on her rage if this

the rich, the other white meat. goes well with a nice chianti

People posting in favor of the death penalty with comments like - he deserved it , etc. have obviously never worked or volunteered in prisons. All the people I knew working in corrections thought a life time sentence, no parole, was the real version of hell on earth. I would prefer the death penalty if I thought I

i can only star this once, alas.

calimari, anyone?

you made me laugh at cannabalism! " when you're a thenn you're a thenn all the way.....

There is nothing creepier or more exhausting than spending time with an adult child who demands as much attention as a typical two year old. At least the two year old gives back unconditional love and doesn't hog the remote. These guys don't want wives they want mommies.

Feel free! I did.