
The problem with herbs are:

What if I never did any of the things they list and instead sent them a letter stating that I did not cede my right to sue for cause at any time in the future. Would that clause still hold?

Well, him and Cheney. (It is illegal to threaten these guys. You can threaten your average woman, just not chicken hawks like Cheney and Co.)

When my husband worked on Capital Hill I used to wonder how these guys could look themselves in the mirror in the morning. Then I realized they don't have reflections.

Those men-Roberts, Scalia, Thompson, and Alito are so nasty it's a wonder their spit don't kill 'em.

To quote an old friend, " I don't like to speak ill of people, but when Scalia goes home, I hope his mother comes out from under the porch and bites him."

If this is a real tee, I must have one.

SPUNK!!!!!??? Yech! (Does that make her a spunknik?)

I love your name! (I also love the tee shirt).

Right! that's the part of the Second Amendment everyone ignores!

This is my problem with the GMO movement. Instead of introducing another green revolution and anticipating the need for plants rigorous enough to handle climate change, the bastards inserted genes making plants resistant to Roundup,. I don't want to eat food that's been saturated with a dangerous herbicide. The

No, the water would quickly become poluted by manure and human waste. This was true in Europe as well. The Native Americans would flee the area if they heard whites were coming because the reputation for water borne disease had become common knowledge. THIS is why tea became so important to the British Empire. A

Wretched hues aside, the one on the right is shitting chiffon. I am dying from snorting Diet Coke while laughing.

Seriously! Anglo Saxons were so dirty in their habits that wherever they settled the water quickly became undrinkable. They were roasting in the summer and rarely warm in the winter. They worked seven days a week without power tools or electricity. When I was younger I wondered how they could endure such

I wouLd donate To that!

Most people can't digest lactose. Only those of us descended from some unknown Central European ancestor who developed the mutation that created lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose, in the human body. That rules out a lot of people, including my husband and kids.

where didyou Find ThiS? I jUst DrooLed!

I love the "You can't talk to us like that" response from the construction workers.

I am not a violent woman and I really hate the term, but I feel like a good "bitch slap" is called for when I look Into those arrogant expressions.