
ooooh! gonna need aloe for that burn!

I'm a Yankee t. ough and through but don"t think I have an accent. My ex was from Lexington. Everytime I called from Logan airport on visits home he would claim he couldn't understand me cuz I was "talking Yankee". I live in the PNW now. I miss the dropped r (as in hahbuh for harbor) of the Maine accent.

Portland bros loooovvvveeee ganja, IPAs, and local wines.. Also, everyone is a foodie and knows 2 members of the Decemberists..

On the whole I agree with you. But you cannot rehabilitate sex offenders like Sandusky. He is bound to reoffend if given the chance. Not even chemical castration is a sure thing with guys like him. They have a profound obsession and compulsion to rape and very few ever seem to be able to get control. She is

What do you call the person who graduates at the bottom of the class from medical school?
FYI Doc, changes in the brain related to autism show up BEFORE birth. What a maroon.

That's "They're against upright fornication because it might lead to dancing". There, fixed it.

I hope this gets some local press. I am sure this isn't the first time this guy has beaten a woman. Hitting someone in the face seven times shows deep rage. That he reacted so quickly shows he is sure of himself and has done this before. I pray they catch this woman hating psychopath before he kills someone's

Seriously, 5 or 6 women dressed in black armed with baseball bats could give these cretins pause. We need a better response to gang rape and right now gang kneecapping is looking pretty good. These guys have done this before and police indifference and slut shaming has let them stay on the hunt. We are not being vocal

Oh no! I just read the headline to read,"Hotels will let you pay them to live." I thought geez, what kind of concierges are they hiring? Sleep deprivation kills yet more neurons.

OMG, this made me cry. Why are these men so feral? And why do we have to share the plant with them?
There's something profoundly wrong with the way we raise our sons.

Little Debbies is one more thing the south got wrong. Sigh. Drakes are the best. The chocolate cake and frosting are dark, moist, and intense. No chemical aftertaste! The cream filling is smooth, not greasy or chemical tasting. The cream is just sweet enough without rotting your teeth like LD's. DRAKES RING DINGS FOR

I hear the whine of the insignificant and yet I feel nothing.

Promises, promises.

Living well is the best revenge.

got blind on shots of tequila with grapefruit and salt chasers for my 21st birthday . my roomie and i couldn't see for 2 dayafter due to magnificent hangover. i think i'll skip the rubbing alcohol, if it's ok with you.

"If I'd known I would live this long, I'd have drunk more champagne."

I follow local customs and wear my underwear on the outside so they can check me out.

I want to show up with signs saying -K HUNT THE OTHER WHITE MEAT and a fork and knife

The casual use of the threat of rape, the piling on of harassment and a judicial system that encourages the assailant at the expense of the victim all signal how rape culture imbues the very air we breathe. Doxxing is the best respinse. I wish we could publish the name, address-internet and actual, phone, etc. of