I know! Every one of my selfies my evil twin shows up!
I know! Every one of my selfies my evil twin shows up!
Can we take money from the red states and use that to pay for running the lab tests on these rape kits? I mean they don't want to pay their fair share of taxes, have most draconian anti-woman laws, and hate anyone who shows empathy and compassion. Fuck 'em.
I'm having a hard time not going crazy over this. The last few years have been brutal for women and POC. I feel like we need to re-educate men and women beginning in childhood. Yes, we need to teach boys to respect girls and women. We need to be more forward in teaching boys what rape is and isn't.
Back off, Jezzies! He's mine, I have first dibs. Honestly, he gets sexier every year. Am happily married but would totally do Ruffalo's Hulk.
This cult of individuality is new. The Colonists, the founders were equally concerned with the responsibility of the group for its members. I blame the rise of laissez faire economics and corporate culture.
It will only come in blue and will not apply to athletes or popular boys.
Yes! How to make a young woman feel dirty and not worth saving. I want to send a copy of her talk to every abstinence only advocate out there.
I remember seeing a slideshow of then contemporary art in NYC galleries back in the stone age when I was in art school. I hated everything I saw except this one installation of "metal sculpture". I asked about the work and the artist and was told that the artist was a mostly homeless schizophrenic and the "metal…
This! The first time I was assaulted by a stranger I froze. I realized how deeply cultural/media representations of women affected me. Watch any old movie that shows women being threatened by monsters or men or both and the women will freeze, take 3 steps, fall down, and faint. No wonder we felt powerless (I'm…
Good thing he's a soon to be ex. I read a lot of art books as well as technical books. I love my kindle but somehow I find it hard to follow technical instructions/information if I can't flip pages back and forth. Also, I love the smell of paper and ink.
Ooooh! Trompe l'oiel thigh pants genius. We could all have the coveted thighs that don't touch! When can we start!
Most people don't realize that that is Galadriel playing Cate Blanchett. 'Cause there's no way that creature is human.
I can't be the only Jezzie whose childhood dream was to be locked in the library for long weekend. With apples and tea, of course.
Me too! My husband has 15+, my daughter-the classics major- has at least that many, and I've filled all my bookshelves in addition to what is on my kindle (greatest invention since the written word).
My favorite real book space is Powell's Books here Portland, OR. Not a library but several floors × city block of books with knowledgeable staff. Best thing in city after 24-hour Church of Elvis and Voodoo Donuts.
I want wander L-space with the Librarian! Ook!
Yes, but is it legitimate rape?
Remember the movie "Junior"? I have this fantasy of impregnating Akin, Santorum, et al, like in the movie and compelling them to carry to term. Obviously their pregnancies would be miraculous and should be protected at all costs.
Not the scuba mask! You slut you!