Now I AM in love!
Now I AM in love!
I've always found loud aggressive sexuality to be a a great man-buzzkill.
I'm terrible because I really want to do the same sort of thing. I worked in a clinic as a nurse and I got burned out dealing with these losers. They put glu in our locks so we couldn't open, called in bomb threats, etc. The men are vile. They had the same crazy look in their eyes seen in photos of whites at…
Hurray! I'm glad to see this moving forward. The problem as I see it is this insistence on binary gender roles. More traditional, pre-Christian societies recognized multiple genders. I've read of aboriginal groups that count up to seven different genders. I'm like many parents of LGBT children. I worry…
I wrote a long post to you but kinja ate it. I'm sending hugs and love your way.
If you include the story about being raised by wolves, I'd buy it!
My daughter was a few weeks old, nursing discretely under a small cover when I was told "I should do that the bathroom." I told this guy if seeing my blanket bothered him he could eat in the bathroom. I told him he couldn't see anything but the blanket so he must have a dirty mind. I said this loudly enough to…
Liger, liger burning bright... I love ligers!
Wet the droppings thoroughly before cleaning. Mice and rats carry a lot of diseases. Wetting the droppings means you won't inhale urine/feces contaminated dust.
Can we make them watch it every month, followed by a prostate exam,every month.
My first job out of nursing school was at women's clinic. I asked this question of one of our frequent protesters. She was shocked. Stuuttered out something unintelligible and proceeded to ignore me.
No, 1000 years of servitude is a good start.
Thank yo. I'm not really that different from most Jezzies, tho. I see the discrimination against minorities and the poor and want to be part of the solution. Most of the inmates I worked with weren't all sex offenders. There were a lot of people there for drug crimes. Also, many were mentally ill. I think…
Yep. Typical child abuser. Worked as corrections nurse for years. Tge sex offenders were always victims, the sex was always consensual (even when victim was 2 years old), and they ALWAYS whine when they talk.
I've worked jails and prisons as psych nurse. This guy has giant target painted on his back. Notorious convicts are prey to anyone who needs to make his bones. If the convict is a child sex abuser he's in real trouble. These guys are victims of rape and violence from childhood, they HATE someone like Castro.
This is off topic, but I get REALLY annoyed when people quote the eye for an eye and don't understand what the passage really means. It's a mistake to see this as a demand for retribution. The passage is a kind of ancient anti-Sharia law. Just like laws that allow the the taking of a hand as a punishment for theft…
I want the t-shirt! Black, with a hot pink bazooka. I'll take the bazooka too
It's not guilt, it's shame.
I found this to be deeply moving. There's a scene where a survivor from Auschwitz embraces the son of the man who was the warden (?) of the camp. He was so moved by the sincerity, the anguish this man suffered for crimes he didn't commit. It's a beautiful film, my whole family was transfixed.
I told my husband I no longer consider myself white. After listening to the vitriol spewed by racists toward this murdered child and his family, I'm so ashamed to be lumped in the same gene pool. Fuck them all. Trayvon had the right to defend himself from self-appointed, wannabe cop, GZ. I wish I could reach out…