
I live in AOC’s district AND I’m from Michigan. Did I blow your mind?!??!

When I was reading them, I took a whole sunday educational course for kids on Laura Ingalls. And the first thing we went over was how her sister Carrie wasn’t even born yet when Ingalls wrote Little House in the Big Woods, yet she appears in the book. 

I always thought NPH playing “himself” in Harold and Kumar hit a little too close to home....

While I was preparing to get married, and my Dad was being a primadonna, and I threatened him that if he didn’t shape up, I would walk myself down that aisle because walking me down is a privilege not a right. That shut him up real quick!

The bit is pretty good, but your wife might be angry that she didn’t get Miscarriage Beyonce Tickets from you. :D

Her joke about her Miscarriage Bike still gives me life til this day. :D

I’ve always assumed all the leaks were coming from Conway. Like, who else would they be coming from? She seems like the only person who could flatter Trump in one moment then leak best shit the next.

The only thing I mildly don’t like about Infinity War is that we know the Time Stone can reverse time, so a lot of the deaths don’t feel permanent, at least for us, the audience.

Yeah, and if one has done any event planning even on a small scale, the first thing anyone needs is how many people are going to be there. So, the idea that nobody knew how many tickets were sold and how many they needed to sell, is either just wrong or you are stupid.

Oh totally. I mean, I think it was really sad to hear that many people in life knew that he might do something like this. He had problems for a long time.

I think a big problem is that FanCon was framed as being the brainchild of Jamie and Robert, and then you have Jamie referring to “the organizers ran up a $300,000 bill.” Like who exactly are “they”? Who is actually behind FanCon then?

While the story of Elliot Rodger will always center around his hatred for women, whenever this story comes up, I always think about his roommates who were Asian men. I mean:

“especially if its chronic and while his female partner is supporting him domestically/careerwise then I’d be side-eying”

“People say that it’s not woke enough. I think they’re not looking at the big picture.”

Clearly Shania doesn’t give two hoots about the Canadian Steel Industry because Trump nearly hit them with a 20% import tariff recently.

I’m only saying that in regards to the questions about how a person who could love and care for the kids yet commit a horrendous act of violence.

“there were likely never voices or devils, just ill-conceived stories intended to impress, that disappeared if the interviewer expressed no interest or pity upon hearing them.”

You make an excellent point—-I completely agree!

It strikes me that perhaps Ortega didn’t cry when the children were described because it was never about the kids. And as Ortega says, she loved them, that can be true. But it can be also true that Ortega was in a world of her own misery—further shown by the fact whenever she did display emotion during the trial, it

That’s true too! :)