
I believe that the more successful it becomes, the less she needs me. I am not the primary breadwinner anymore. I feel increasingly irrelevant.

It would be interesting to read the original Women’s Day articles...because this sounds like they really wanted to go to town on Rebel’s age and apparently her name. I mean, the only way to go about it is to paint Rebel as a lying liar omg as opposed to simply her doing what everyone else does in Hollywood.

Denise > Dev

If it is good only for “compassion’s sake”, the state has no business getting involved. Let churches or nonprofits handle it.

for pregnancies that end after 9 weeks and before 20 weeks

Yeah, many of these articles note that this is really an issue of department stores failing, not necessarily malls themselves.

I also wonder about the effect of working moms and fast fashion. Like literally working parents have zero time to fish through crap for what they are looking for & end up not having. And secondly, department stores really only serve old people with expensive, unfashionable crap.

Do you like how it’s scathing on multiple levels, because I was going for multiple levels! LOLSOB

Yeah, and just think if Sophia were a dude, she’d be on her millionth Transformers movie by now!

If anything, I thought that episode showed how enablers/abusers just don’t get it and won’t ever get it. I can imagine how all parties involved didn’t get what they came for that day.

I remember watching that show. It was sooooooo awkward. And Mon’Nique seemed to know that it would be a shitshow. I’ve always wondered why she did it. I’m guessing she knew Oraph was going to do it whether she approved or not and wanted her voice to be heard?

I remember reading that scene for the first time after watching all the movies and TV shows and I turned to my Jane Austen Expert friend and was all, “What the hell?! She just liked his stuff?!?!” And she had to explain to me that the interior of the house represented something private etc. etc.

I met some Palestinian dudes on a study abroad in France and one of them told me he loved My Heart will Go On. I thought he was joking, but then he pulled out his wallet which contained a worn newspaper clipping with the lyrics on it. He explained he had lost many friends in the Israeli/Palestian conflict and this is

I could probably find it. Give me a buzz at @athenia45 on twitter and I can see what I can do!

I wrote a whole paper about reading Mansfield Park as an economics textbook. My TA was positively giddy about it and I got an A+ on it!

DeVos: “I want to acknowledge that we arrived her with different life experiences.”

Who gets separate citations for an illegal turn and talking on the phone? I’m guessing she’s trying hard to get these infractions?

He was clearly going for some low hanging “gotcha” moment and he got owned in the best way possible.

Yeah, I’ve heard some people say she’s not “likable” which set off my alarm bells.

She airs her grievances, but gives her offenders no chance to make amends.