Instead, they should participate in the same open competitive process as the rest of the applicant pool
Instead, they should participate in the same open competitive process as the rest of the applicant pool
Who are these 65,000 people? People from those 7 nations that were banned?
“Well, we don’t have maternity leave policy here; I went back to work one week after having my child, so that’s just not something I’m used to.”
Yeah, and the sad part is if Huma had dropped Weiner the first time, there would have been no Comey letter.
Clinton has always been knocked for not being charismatic, but I think this election showed that for male candidates, they can be emotional all the want and people eat it up. Can a female candidate be emotional?
It’s not eastern medicine unless you have an Asian grandmother telling you to drink your broth.
The only saving grace of this film is the character of Alyssa who is just being herself and says NO to these douchebag dudes. In other words, because of her, this film will always be relevant. She’s my hero basically.
In the far future, people are going to look at the US and wonder why we royally pwned ourselves.
I think part of the problem is that films that poach ideas from anime are incredibly successful i.e. The Matrix, Inception, but as soon as it’s painted as anime, people get all xenophobic about it.
First Aunt Viv was Best Aunt Viv, but this just makes me sad:
Invite a bunch of Italian and Chinese friends. They will have no problems giving you cash!
I wasn’t going to throw a bridal shower because I am An Old, but then my grandmother told me it was so nice to see everyone on an occasion that wasn’t a funeral, which gave me all the feels.
I know, right? It’s like, do the math!
I told a relative that it costs $30 million a month to keep Melania in Manhattan and she was all, “Well Obama vacationed in Hawaii.”
“If Russia hacked us, that’s totally disrespectful to us. It won’t happen if I’m president. HEY RUSSIA PLEASE HACK HILLARY’S EMAILS.”
Dave Chappelle can mourn the loss of Bill Cosby as his hero. But at the end of the day, you have to hold them accountable for his actions. He needs to make a “joke” about how Cosby had everything yet still felt the need to regularly rape women.
Guys, I am seriously done with Trump’s double speak. I was re-watching his “Russia please find Hillary’s emails” video the other day and like, he literally says two opposite statements within the same paragraph.
I see Judd Apatow really wants us feminists to love the ending to Knocked Up.
Me: Darling, which part of this workload would you like to do? Planning the meal, buying the groceries or making the meal?
Because literally doing everything 50/50 means a shit ton of work. :(