
I get the feeling that William was being overly cautious with Kate while Charles couldn’t give a rats ass how his decisions affected others.

Prince Charles: Still a dick.

I was listening to a podcast about this issue yesterday and that was one of the questions, like, what do you actually charge them with? And the speaker was like, “Well, we already have harassment and stalking laws on the books...”

At least Kevin Sorbo can back up his compliants!

Just coming in to say that Last Man Standing is the absolutely *worst.* I thought I’d check it out because I have fond memories of Home Improvement. Nope! Who wants to watch a Dad slut shame his daughter who is a single mother? WTF?

I dunno. It just goes to show you that the police think verbal harassment is meaningless and does no harm. Yay free speech! /sarcasm

They should respond by calling it “Fake News.”

LOL I don’t think my Dad has ever call our local reps. ;_;

You are my hero! (I’m from Michigan but I live in NYC now)

You put your rep on speed dial this instant and call now!

I like this head cannon.

I mean, he goes to the CIA and literally talks about how many times he was on the cover of Time magazine.

I know it’s March and I’m already exhausted, but they’ve already been hitting the Obama blame button several times now and I can’t wait to see what happens later this year.

This admin never wanted to “govern.” They just wanted to spout hot air and now that they have the keys, they are flipping their shit because they want to continue to spout hot air and now they are going to be held accountable for the hot air.

I’m visiting China next month and I’m absolutely terrified about this. So much so, totally leaving my phone at home and buying a burner one there.

I never had a particularly terrible experience, but I think a lot of Catholic let it go because Catholicism isn’t very big on the extrinsic motivators that Evangelicals are. Catholicism is very ritualized whereas Evangelicals want to take over your whole life.

“A Muslim-American, an Italian-American, a Christian-American, a Jewish-American, you do realize that they are all equal, right? They are all the same thing.”

It sounds like that’s why he was called to the area, but Wilson said that he pulled them over because they were walking in the street.

I want to buyyyyy it!

That scene was really powerful to me—not because Spike tried to rape her, but that whole (previous?) season had Buffy acting destructive, and that was a very clear moment were she very clearly announced that she wasn’t playing that game anymore.