
1 billion more stars for this, please.

You know, for your whole “I’m drunk and can’t read the myriad of articles contradicting my shitty pronouncements” to me last night, you are all the fuck over these threads making perfect sense and perfectly formed wrong opinions over and over again.

I’m Mexican and I’m super excited! He’s a Catholic too, the good brand. He’s the best for us after Castro. I'm very very pleased.

I actually really like that about him - he had a stance, was shown facts and information that demonstrated his stance was incorrect, and therefore accordingly adjusted his stance. This is...pretty much what all people should do, especially politicians.

Kaine was an early and vocal supporter of Obama in 2008. So, clearly this proves that Hillary is a vindictive nazi out to destroy everyone who stands in her way.

God forbid a politician actually evolve based on facts, research and evidence. Elizabeth Warren was an actual republican, aren’t you glad she evolved? . In Virginia Tim Kaine took down our sociopath republicans effectively and consistently on their own turf. He has 100% from planned parenthood and an F from the NRA.

This. Even when I was a crazy religious teenager (shame) I was personally anti abortion but very much pro choice.

Thank you for bringing up that sweet memory. I HATE how Ryan considers himself an intellectual.

I’m so excited for 3+ straight terms of get-shit-done liberal presidents. Boring competence is awesome.

Born, raised, and still in the commonwealth. Kaine is well-liked here. It should definitely shore up VA in the general and I think a lot of people will start to draw comparisons of him to Biden once the VP debates/speeches start. Remember when Biden completely owned Ryan in 2012? It’s going to be just like that. Sit

To all you saying he is pro-life: The dude is pro-choice.

It’s the Sanity/Stability ticket in sharp contrast to the Trumpster Fire/Handmaid’s Tale ticket.

Sanity/Stability 2016!

Clinton’s announcement was unsurprisingly smooth

OMG, Cory Booker, never change.

Spoiler alert: it'll be nasty and thoroughly dishonest.

He's a good choice. I’m anticipating a lot of grumbling fellow liberals. Here’s why she basically HAD to choose him:

jokes aside, I think he’s a practical pick. As much as I would have loved to see a Clinton/Warren or Clinton/Booker ticket, I can see how it would be too risky in an election year that’s been basically straight out of the Twilight Zone so far. I look forward to getting to know Kaine and his policies!

Good pick.

Her reasoning behind wanting him is solid. Virginia is indeed a swing state and the Republicans there are super crazy. I grew up there (left more than 20 years ago), but my parents are still there as are a ton of liberal friends. The friends are all Kaine fans. I think for the most part it’s getting the rest of the