Nah bro even Ali lost once in a while; this’ll just get people more interested in what happens next.
Nah bro even Ali lost once in a while; this’ll just get people more interested in what happens next.
Ohmygosh. Look at his fancy little self! Also, he can swim right? Baby hippos can swim? Because blooop, into that water and then... CUT TO DRINKING MOTHER HIPPO. Like a Lifetime movie.
Absence makes you forget the things you dislike/hate about someone and allows you to dwell on the positive lovey-dovey "makes me horny" type of things.
My takeaway from this article is that we’re saying:
You just went full Dark Zone.
Yeah, I feel like I’m not cut out for relationships because I get the heebie jeebies around people who need constant affection. I am the least romantic person in history. I like sex, and I like to hug and cuddle, and non-sexual physical affection, but insistent sexual attention creeps me the fuck out, and the need for…
My daughter learned to dial 911 in daycare when she was 2.
Yeah, that’s the reason I broke up with my previous boyfriend. He was constantly going all “I love you! Do you love me? I love you so much. Let’s make love and cuddle and whisper sweet nothing, my love. Have I hugged you and told you I love you in the past hour, my love? Tell me how much you love me. Surprise hugs!…
Cuts both ways: “I want to having an emotionally satisfying committed relationship with you, so let me check your phone and email to make sure you obey the rules” is a terrible strategy.
I feel bad for the first dude, but as a person who is also not touchy-feely, I can say that having a partner who constantly needs affection is extremely exhausting. it really is almost like having to deal with a dog, who is constantly demanding your attention. add to that the fact that it’s hard to tell them without…
Roto13, once again missing the entire point so he can focus on his own preconceived notions.
Having complicated feelings for someone, even being attracted to someone, doesn’t automatically lead to problems. Doubly so when your partner is open enough and trusts you enough to mention that they exist in the first place.
“But her suppressed libido might also be result of her anti-depressants.”
except for the one that actually stole the photo...
God forbid we actually teach people to respect other people’s private property. Better we just insist that people guard their own privacy and decide they deserve what they get if someone violates it.
For their part, the Union County School district maintains that the subject of the photograph is not the problem, rather their objection is to Arthur’s improper supervision of her private property.
I kind of wish 100% of teachers would just go on strike for a month. Maybe then people will stop holding them to such impossible standards and learn to appreciate how they have to put up with other people’s shitty kids all day long.
Boys will be boys!
So what happens to the 16 year old who was distributing pornography?
Honestly, that was how I thought of marriage too. It wasn’t until I met my fiance that I was like, “Hold on a second. We can still do cool shit and have our own lives and friends just like we do now. But I can also add him to my health insurance.”
Damned if they do...Damned if they don’t. People like to ‘worry’ about the goofiest things.