Even if it was, it's not a very funny one. It's pretty insensitive towards people who have them (which there are a lot of).
Even if it was, it's not a very funny one. It's pretty insensitive towards people who have them (which there are a lot of).
Yes, that's super weird.
No you idiot, those are freckles.
Slow news day, huh?
he gets 16 rounds in his chest because the military/police system is made up primarily of battle hungry dropouts and losers who shouldn't be trusted with a fire arm
Let's just say that if it's the SWAT team, they're going to be making sounds extremely different to a normal burglar. But then again, I'm not some loon who just sits around surrounded by firearms.
Uh, no. You'd have 16 rounds in your chest because you basically decided to play Rambo.
Probably not the best time to have "TERRORISTS WIN" on your screen..
Meanwhile, i'm winning races because people don't realize that you can't make a turn going full speed.
Impressive (although I'm sure he died a thousand times while making this video)
Really? Because what I'm seeing is a tactical RPG that happens to feature an action-RPG's 3rd person POW. And judging from the tactical view showcased here, it looks like you can control at least the action scenes just like you would in the Origins or Baldur's Gate.
It's usually a good sign if your town's drug addicts are just looking for weed. Better that then, being tweaked or cracked out.
We're not talking about a game not showing up on a console. We're talking about the same game coming to both consoles, with free DLC for PS4 owners while the Xbox users sit and wait for the one year timer to expire so they're allowed to play all the extra content.
You are missing the point. Without the xbox fanbase, there wouldn't even be a Destiny.
HIGH FUCKING FIVE MAN!! Seriously, so many people here want to have their cake and eat it too. So willing to bring out "Shadow of the Colossus" or "Bioshock" as proof positive that GAMES CAN TOTALLY BE ART, yet the moment we start treating games "like" art, suddenly we should stop because "YOU'RE TOTALLY TALKING MESS…
Who is taking away their right to make games the way they want to?
Ah, the old argument that the writer is writing what they write because they're just trying to get clicks. Yeah, a succinct, non-histrionic headline and a bunch of reporting mixed in with argument sure are the telltale signs of a writer who doesn't give a damn about what they're saying and is just cravenly farming…
but the outright opposition to the very process of discourse is sickening and a reminder of why I so rarely identify myself as a "gamer".
You folks want games to be treated as art rather than given a Roger-Ebert-esque dismissal? Wish fucking granted.
Part of interrogating creative works is seeing how that work is both a product of and influencer of society at large. This means that, in a society that promises equality and brands itself as a "melting…