Yeah but, it's not like this guy named his daughter Mass Effect...
Yeah but, it's not like this guy named his daughter Mass Effect...
Think of how many people over the course of history have been named after myths and fictional characters. Ulysses Grant comes to mind. Not to mention the fact that people in the western world have picked biblical figures to name their children after. Just because video games aren't a respected genre yet doesn't make…
Sharing pictures of yourself online does not invite and allow unwanted attention in real life.
There is a difference between people looking at things you self-select to be viewed, and being watched while you go about your business.
They're too busy openly filing false rape accusations against women.
I like the bottom one (EU) better. She just looks cooler.
If that's the case, a part of me hopes the Japanese market starts to think more like the European market, because the additional articles of clothing are a welcome improvement in my eyes.
Because different cultures have different views, and lots of women play games and don't want their only female options to be running around in less cloth than a hand towel?
I'm pretty sure in many cases it's not "borderline"...
You say censorship but I see it more as cultural adjustments. I a gamer do not want to see borderline naked teens in my games. Actually I would prefer the medium take itself more seriously. considering that the EU skins might have been the original but were made more skimpy to pander to the ultra sexed Japanese market.
Just a reminder to everyone, this isn't the fault of politically correct people censoring poor old Square-Enix. This is a decision from Square-Enix based on what they think fits the European market.
It's funny, but this feels more like a fix to me than censorship.
Politicians have been re-writing the bible for years to make it align with their viewpoints, for their own personal and financial gain, so why not?
I agree, I mean come on ladies you all say you want to date a Nice Guy but then you turn around and date the Bad Boy! Why do you always friendzone the Nice Guy? Can't you bitches see the Nice guy is the better choice?
*Pulls fedora down over face is disgust*
I'm having a hard time with this sweeping statement. While I do have one friend who's entire "list" is full of car, house, money, looks (and she IS the one that is forever whinging about how much men suck and are The Worst) the vast majority of my friends are attracted to men that are good to them, not men that…
OT, but that female cop? Miranda Bailey from Grey's Anatomy.
"Not to sound like a grammar elitist, but," is to grammar elitists what "I'm not racist, but," is to racists.
While I like my Ps4 no doubt....pre-ordered it and got it on release day, I'll be real honest to those that don't have it yet and want it. WAIT until there are more games!