
Just so I understand, you believe building a homeless shelter will somehow exacerbate traffic on the Bay Bridge? Because... why again?

It is deeply disgusting and alarming to me how closely the language of this administration parallels that of a codependent family with an alcoholic head. “Don’t fuck things up!” is code for “Don’t make dad mad by asserting yourself at all, or he’ll take it out on us!

But but socialism, you’re gonna make us like Venzwayla!

but have you SEEN some of these roads, we have thousands of bridges that are in horrid shape

Do you think private bridges are a better solution?

I think a big part of it is they didn’t understand the massive headaches dealing with cities and other utility providers to get clearance to run fiber on poles. In relation to this article it seems the city went out of its way to help them with that. But the truth is dealing with utility companies etc. to get ROW

I used to be an instagramer like you,

I LOVED that line.

Saw it over the weekend. An excellent interpretation of the manga and anime overall and fun as hell seeing cameos of some of the other hunter warriors.

I got the giggles when the character McTeague showed up as he is definitely old Murdock from the manga....only a lot cooler.

“I really hate people that aren’t dog

How to Get Away with Murder: Be a rich, white man


This is the most important comment. Skin color and the content of your bank account should never factor into the justice process.

So hold on, a girl who is trafficked and preyed upon, forced in prostitution, kills a man who picks her up, is given over 50 years, but a grown ass man killing his girlfriend, pouring bleach on her, and not calling 911 until she’s definitely dead only gets 3 years? Yeah, I can definitely see how he’s more capable of

Google is a company that gobbles up all the data it can, from anywhere it can. Google provides services that collect data for them. Why should I trust Google with providing me with a physical security key? What do they gain when I use it?

As soon as you make sure that every place she goes to has equally clean and cool water. 

Staying in bed all day is not a game!!!

I think you missed your own point.

Bad take.

What’s sad is that flight sims and VR are a match made in digital-entertainment heaven. VR’s best capabilities are an exact match for the strengths of what you can do with flight sims. The two just need to hold on a generation or so longer for that perfect unity to hit the markets like a firestorm.