But this isn’t made by a company being paid to professionally make it...? The fuck?
But this isn’t made by a company being paid to professionally make it...? The fuck?
I don’t get why this is illegal with Meepo, specifically. Using Macros to do things faster than normal with other characters? Sure; but there’s no human way a person can use three different units all at the same time to any appreciably competitive level, and if DOTA wants to pretend its heroes are balanced for…
“Just because some people get addicted to something doesn’t make that thing addictive.”
I use “filetype: (followed by pdf, doc etc)” to look for specific kinds of files. This is very helpful if you need a certain format for print or display purposes.
Are you using Google effectively as possible? If you’re just entering words into the search field without using…
Worse, most of the time, new folks first encounter the Space Marines through the Ultra Smurfs, who are about as vanilla as it gets within the wider lore.
In fairness, “new GW” (post Kirby firing in 2016) is actually doing a lot better. Sure, it’s still expensive as all hell, but they’re actually making an attempt at value again, and for the first time in the history of the company are doing things like “engaging with the community” and “market research” to give the…
I’ve followed 40k since the 80's, mainly for lore. It’s always been an interesting space—and quite massive. The level of detail added by the rise of their overpriced Black Library books has helped make an already expansive world even larger...
For real, plus the way he’s looking at her comes across more of “I wanna wear your skin like a leotard.” than “Please, do go on.”
Let’s consider Mary: who begins working at 25 years old, earns $60,000/year to start [and] gets a 2% raise every year.
I think your joke may have been a little too niche for a wider audience.
This is all correct except for the part about U-238 being useless in a reactor. It’s useless in the light-water reactors we have in the US, but certain other reactor designs (heavy water, liquid metal or gas-cooled) can burn U-238 in the right configuration.
It’s worth taking a little side journey into “what is depleted uranium?”
The only issue with your post is that the A-10 isn’t equipped with a GAU-8; it is in fact the GAU-8 that is so awesome, someone decided to strap a plane to it.
But, as HardOCP reported, if they weren’t part of the program they wouldn’t receive any engineering assistance if they ran into issues, they wouldn’t receive previews so that they could get their products prototyped and ready for mass production, and they would not have been a priority recipient of chips, meaning they…
This is really great analysis. Serious question: why post on this trash-as site? This is, after all, a site where you get ads for Amazon and actual-the-OG-satire The Onion articles pushed as content. Couldn’t you have shopped this around to 538 or Politico or someone more respectable?
It’s ok because they’re going to collect the Dragon Balls in the next movie and wish everybody back who that angry bro with a power glove killed.
I mean, if this is what made you realize Transformers, sentient bio-machine aliens, aren’t real...