
A 14nm process means the most important components of the CPU are on 14nm die.

People often see what they want to see when they look at things. Most people see a smile combined with an arrow indicating fast service/delivery. You saw a penis.

Those durn nuke plants! So unsafe!

Pay no taxes in 2017 while receiving a huge windfall tax break in 2018 thanks to Trump and Co. Pay your employees peanuts forcing some of them to work two jobs to make ends meet. Make an extra 2 billion here by increasing the cost of prime, etc.... The sun just shines out of Bezel’s ass doesn’t it.

I mean, if this is what made you realize Transformers, sentient bio-machine aliens, aren’t real...

Isn’t that kind of the whole point of the game?

I don’t use snapchat. Do these ads do annoying things like reflow pages, waste bytes with HD video, and the like?

Reinhardt, Winston, and Brigette don’t have to aim either. Don’t be a jerk.

It looks like you are trying to unravel the mysteries of existence. Would you like help?

“what if they use magic” is not a scientific theory

Buying, reviewing and then returning is too complex of a process for the majority of MAGA morons it, review it, return it.

They do out themselves pretty fast, don’t they.

Just curious how a dead person can “act like a criminal”?

Found the Nazi!

And some folks wonder why people distrust the police so much. When you act like the fucking gestapo people tend to get a little testy.

“I’m miserable, why can’t everyone else be miserable too?”

Sucks to be you then. For how long have you worked 70-90 hours per week and does it bring you that much more money? You have no time to spend it, you probably look like you get no sleep and I can’t imagine much of a social life when you spend 12 hours every day working. You are not the smart guy pulling himself up by

“90/7" doesn’t even make any sense and isn’t used by anyone outside this company, and it seems to be repeated twice by two different people above. That implies to me that this is some sort of internal company phrasing that’s already known. Which further implies to me that it’s something thrown around in emails from