
It could. Cell death does not occur for a while after your brain functions cease.

And Galactus has its sights set on us in the next billion or so years.

Still, that’s pretty small for an RTG. The rover must be crazy power efficient.

“I’m allergic to phone calls.

I just use text messages. No read receipts. No typing indicator. No bull crap.

Curiosity is nuclear powered? I never knew that. Im surprised they were able to make an RTG small enough to be portable.

For those that dont know, on replies to you, the hamburger/ellipsis menu on the reply has a dismiss option.

My earliest memory is when I was 2.5 years old. Im a lifetime Floridian. I can distinctively remember walking around for a few minutes in the snowfall Jacksonville got in 1989. But thats all the memory is: just the fact that I saw snow and walked in it.

Nice! The photographer labeled them. My biggest lament about cosplay photography is that it is almost never labeled; I dont know every character ever.

“It is for cooling, not for warming. Water is better at cooling than warming. This is known.”

Wirh as many people who dont lock their phones, I'd be surprised if that hasnt happened already. Because when its your word vs the police officer's word, who do you think the judge will side with?

The thing is, FPS doesnt matter too much beyond 20 to 30 for *static* content. Playing the game would be much more noticeable than watching it being played.

When its your (you being Nintendo) first 3D game ever, on a new hardware paradigm, being poorly optimized is a given.

Lets do some quick napkin math. Assuming a US population of 360,000,000 , divided by 9,000, that’s a rate of 1 per 40,000. Or normalized to 100,000 , 2.5 per 100,000. That is rare.

One, I use the stuff I make in BotW. Two, it doesnt go bad because I make potions. One bug, one monster part, plus 3 high quality food items makes one triple buff potion that lasts for about 8 minutes. Screw grinding Farosh scales because grinding sucks.

You dont have to be a “purist” to have never touched a Mac. Being price conscious will do the same.

Exactly. Most Unidentified Flying Objects have become Identified Flying Objects.

Why the f*** is a Jezebel writer doing a lifehacker article? This is not an extremist site, please dont let extremist authors post here.

The majority of pieces are likely small. I bought Yoda's Jedi Starfighter thinking it was a great deal, just to find a whole bunch of greebling, and not a lot of structure.

Thats what you pay for good QC. Ask yourself this: Do you really want to buy MegaBlocks?