I see nuTrek and TOS Film aesthetics. Does the game have TNG/DS9/VOY aesthetics as well?
I see nuTrek and TOS Film aesthetics. Does the game have TNG/DS9/VOY aesthetics as well?
There are use cases for Intel’s high end desktop 18 core processor. The average consumer is not the target; Professional workstations tasked with 4k, even 8k video encoding are the target.
It is a very strong association. Thing is Blizzard fans are a *much* larger group than Bungie fans. I doubt anything from the Bungie.net forums will ever show up on Google first page.
Isnt the per character gold cap at 1,000,000? Last time I played WoW 100,000 gold was unheard of for anyone but the most dedicated.
B.net is also short hand for Bungie.net...
Those watermarks are more water than mark. Still, cosplay.kotaku *should* label things like any other site does.
Once again you guys need to label what the characters are.
Gamestop has had ME:A at $40 for several weeks now.
Gamestop has had ME:A at $40 for several weeks now.
“Everything needs to be politically correct.
Mario 64 is ripe with sequence breaking glitches. It would still be only 10^180 or so.
High? There’s only 6.69 x 10^198 .
There’s no way to take back what they’ve given. Even if they could find a legal loophole to repossess the swag they sent him, going to blizzcon cant be undone once he goes. This is nit a case of “Indian-giver”.
There are a lot of soda machines in real life too.
It depends on the game. If you get good (not even super good, just good) with the sniper rifle in Halo you become near unstoppable.
Why does Kotaku continue to post cosplay photos without character names?
That’s Mr Perfect Cell.
Perhaps Microsoft should co-opt the slogan “it just works”.
A pretty good 1080p 60 FPS PC actually costs about $600. You can get one for a lot less if you buy a used business tower with 8 GB of RAM and a Sandy Bridge i5. But a new parts computer will be around $600.
The bit rate on Streaming 4k is garbage. Look at the same 4k movie, side by side, streamed vs UHD BD; You will see a clear difference.
He’s confusing terms in a heat pump. A heat pump moves energy from a cold arwa to a hot area. This requires input energy to accomplish. The ratio of energy moved to energy input is called the EER, energy efficiency ratio. This is not the same as absolute efficiency; a heat pump will still generate entropy.