
Ugh. What a beautiful, but terrible reference. It’s the beauty of a nuclear bomb obliterating a chocolate factory. I want to cry for both reasons.

I kept coming in mid-stream, except for one time when I caught it about 2 minutes before it ended, right before I had to leave for a meeting :(

I want to see a flashback episode with Rick and Mr. Poopy Butthole!

Off topic, but still gotta know: What is up with this new layout? It’s terrible! It felt better scrolling through an article and getting to the “end” with the comments. Now it loads more articles under it? So every page is the front page, is the article page, is the front page?

Maybe I’ll get used to it. Probably

Every time I see this headline in my feed I think it says “First to use Free WiFi”. SIGH.

I’d get an XB1 (again) just to play it that way. I have a new power gaming rig, too, but for some reason I like games like Destiny on console.

How do you feel about the new content? I’m very interested in doing the old activities! I want a viable Fatebringer again, maybe finally get the Mythoclast, and the new armors look SO GOOD.

I saw you mentioned that Destiny 2 is coming to PC... are you just trollin’ ?

Surface Pen is soooo choice.

I sold my 2015 i7 MacBook Pro to get an i7 Surface Pro 4. BOY OH BOY was that an excellent choice.

I loved my Mac (still would), but I had to bridge the gap between a work machine and a gaming machine. I traveled a lot for work during that time and needed to carry my computer with me all the time between meetings and

I grew up in Port Clinton and then Columbus, Ohio. FUCK SNOW.

It’s like that piss blow-back from being too close to the urinal. HAHA!

You’ll be fine in Seattle. It doesn’t rain here as much as everyone tries to say it does. I mean, it “rains” all the freaking time, but it’s a very light spray or drizzle. Sometimes it comes down harder, but you’re not going to be stuck in Midwest torrential downpours like in Zelda.

Also, summer here in the Pacific

Maybe it was like “I invited him to work out and he only did three sets and then left”.

“Yeah, when I said I was looking for other women I meant i like women not “I like women unless there’s more dick in my vicinity””

OMG that’s perfect. Like the app is saying “Well, you’ve exhausted our options on that menu... have you thought about dick?” 

Regarding “level of dedication”: it’s not going to take a lot. This is all historical data, too. If you’ve accomplished some of this stuff in the past through the last 3 (can’t believe it’s been that long!) years, you’ll get credit for it. Some of it just requires opening the kiosks and re-acquiring the stuff

OH SWEET JEEBUS. I freaking LOVED Castle of the Winds as a kid.

+1 if only for the “Baby, you got a stew going” reference.

My BOTW copy was pre-ordered on Dec. 29th. Two day shipping was all that was offered. My shipment time was listed as “Delivering by 8PM”, but stuck in “Preparing for shipment” all day.

I pre-ordered Horizon Zero Dawn the same way and I got it delivered the day it was released by 1PM, no shannanigans. Amazon really

I wonder how much of the terrible dialogue and action is because the movie is primarily marketed to China, not to the US. It’s just being released in the US as a way to get around filming arrangements and restrictions that are in place in China.

If that’s the case, the dialogue is written in Chinese first, then


Read the Wired article from a few months back. They show a through-the-lens view. It was also shown on Gizmodo and is referenced in this article.