I think the Negan cosplay is overshadowing that great Zombie cosplay. :|
I think the Negan cosplay is overshadowing that great Zombie cosplay. :|
I played all the Resident Evils, but did so to “keep up with the Joneses” aka my friends.
Wow ya’ll bitch so much about the objectification of women, but you use a clearly sexual picture to grab the reader, then you showcase the cosplay aspect, this is objectification!!!! she uses it to her advantage and so do ya’ll when it suites.
Are you shipping some pre-review hoodies to Bethesda?
Belamire said that the alleged virtual groping, while not real, is still “scary as hell.”
That feels like an important issue now, because if the Cubs are going to win this World Series, they’ll either need to beat Kluber, or win every single game he doesn’t start. Both feel imposing.
There’s still 6 games left. 1 win isn’t quite indicative of a result (look at Cubs v Dodgers games 2-3 vs 4-5.
Cavs win by 29pts.
Corey Kluber & Larry Vanover, Goddamn!
Upper decks should really have chest-height plexiglass barriers or netting.
“(R)eaching status of mainstream myths handed down for centuries.”
Nothing special about slender man. A person has mudered for far less in human history. A person once killed someone because their dog told them to. In my opinion those who find this frightening along with Blair witch or any other urban legend really should stick to Scooby doo mysteries.
That’s because he’s an amalgam of other preexisting myths. Practically everything on the internet can be taken to its roots and you can find the individual pre-existing pieces.
Are you sure you’re not just having confirmation bias from talking to communities or groups who spend a lot of time on the internet. I know those around our area who don’t use the internet have zero idea who ‘Slenderman’ is.
As a Cubs fan, yes, I’ve met “a few.”
Cubs fans don’t wear Yankee hats and tells everyone they’re a “lifelong Yankees fan.”
That Hillary image is so horrifically staged, it’s sad she thinks people are that dumb (or even sadder some people think it’s actually candid & real).
Sometimes a comic is just a comic.
Oh my God and they have Glenn on the “go” panel, obviously referencing ancient Chinese board game Go! So damn racist this world is!
Everything has to be an issue.