Delete your account.
Delete your account.
A lot of these are fake reports that are unnecessarily stoking the flames and turning peaceful protests into violent riots.
Jesus H Christ, man, no!
Looks like one of those reports has already been proven false:
Why would I after our last encounter. I posted about a widely known news event. You attacked me because you didn’t know as much about it as you thought.
Sorry, I use legitimate news outlets like the TV & Newspaper. Sorry, I can’t link any tweets where someone posts a 3rd-person encounter from “a friend of a friend of a friend” for “likes” with no corresponding physical evidence (police reports etc).
Hillary supporters are spraying Swatstikas all over the bay area as anti-trump protest. That seems like people misinterpretting graffiti thinking his name and that symbol are positive vandalism by his supporters.
Also those are legitimate crimes which should be reported to police, not posted to social media for “likes”.
I never said Trump doesn’t have terrible supporters, that’s a strawman I would never put forth, for obvious reasons.
You are a truly horrible human.
You can’t google what’s been happening in Oakland? In a county/state that went to Hillary.
Lighting fires, smashing windows and spraypainting is not peaceful.
That would be a huge miscarriage of democracy that would thrust us into a literal civil war (not this figurative one from whiney millenials on twitter).
Hillary’s fans (not supporters, but irrational fans) are really scary atm.
As much as I despise the idea of a civilian militia revolt. If that scenario did actually play out it would be 100% justified.
Does ME3 have the online multi? and by chance, would it carry over your gamertag data from 360 and EA account (guns and stuff?).
No offense, but this is precisely the attitude that drove the dissenters to the polls.
I feel bad knowing Jack died before knowing the glory of internet porn.
Is there any simulation that ends positively? I feel like regardless of Clinton or Trump winning the screen will still display “YOU LOSE”.