Alcoholic Synonymous

I don’t own a single Apple product and never intend to.

This must be the “eating ass” that all the kids are talking about.

No one should be “dialing down” on being anti-Trump, not when the guy is talking like Hitler and somehow not losing support over it.

Leaders of red states are already threatening to take Biden off ballots out of revenge. What we’re seeing here is the worst kind of brainless tit for tat high school gang herd group selection mentality, but by supposedly adult people that we’ve put in charge of governing the country.

It’s not the food that old men are obsessed with, it’s the comradery. When I see them, it’s usually at a table with 3-6 other old guys, just shooting the shit and drinking their bottomless (awful) coffee.

One of the great pleasures of my young adult years in NYC was the $2.99 breakfast special at diners. 2 eggs, toast, potatoes, coffee. Fantastic. And if it was a diner that had been a rail car, with a cook with Navy tattoos, so much the better.

I heard someone say a similar thing about Kaepernick kneeling. “Why doesn’t he do that on his own time?” If your goal is to make some sort of point, it’s best to do it when there’s exposure, as opposed to say standing on a street corner.

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic, or just really embarrassingly obtuse. I think it’s the latter.


Yeah, since when has media ever been political??

Fuck Apple.

Old people are up early and old men are cheap. Diners are open early and/or 24 hours. They are also cheap. Brunch is too late and too expensive.  A diner breakfast isn’t as cheap as it used to be, but it’s still the best deal you’ll get at a restaurant. 

i went without kids so i could afford breakfast sammies when i got older. whos the fool now, huh?

Hmm IIRC I found them at my local Walgreens. I rarely visit the chip aisle in the grocery store.

As someone who is not quite 45 yet and has shown up 30 minutes late to his job regularly for the past 20 years, I resemble that remark!

Also maybe the demographic least likely to catch flak for showing up 15 minutes late with a breakfast sandwich...

About 5 years ago, a friend relayed this incident to me: He had been talking to someone else about the environmental hazards of golf balls, and wondered aloud if there were biodegradable alternatives. Neither party involved actually plays golf, but the next time my friend opened his phone, he was getting targeted ads

I think it’s less than people know that obviously Alexa’s are listening and more concerned that:

a.) devices that aren’t supposed to be listening (Phones, etc) definitely are

b.) devices that may say they only listen for the wake word (Alexa’s) are in fact using other data they pickup and selling to advertisers.


this looks interesting. the visuals and make up give it look of something better than the regular straight to videostreaming junk. i wonder how many favors Jonah Ray had to cash in though to get his famous friends to make cameos. dont get me wrong, i like the dude but he always comes off as a super pretentious prick.

“The first digitally cloned order-taker will be former NFL player and sports broadcaster Keith Byars.”