Alcoholic Synonymous

PBR, 18-pack for $10. Cannot be beat.

They just redesigned an intersection in our town about a year ago, and because of the way it’s setup you have to actually pull up to the line which is past the Stop sign. Alot of people still don’t know that they’re supposed to do that still, and I even have trouble remembering to do it.

Thankfully your furry balls are gladly welcome on Kinja.

Wait, somebody wrapped on a test drive? I gotta hear this.

lol @ 2Jz

Atleast you have a good infrastructure to start with. In my area, you can get a complete Jeep for <$600. Sucks you have to swap it, but why not uprate to a SBC?

Sweet truck!

Awww! I have a yellow tab myself.

90 W 80.



When I replied I think I omitted Mazda for a reason. The RX-8 (the ugly piece of crap it is) can be had for $7-8k; not exactly the lion’s share.

Wait, why 200 MPH? In NC, you either get a regular speeding ticket, or 25 over, which allows the DMV to supersede the court and pull your license. So if you’re 5 over on your bicycle, and the cop can’t clock you so he omits the speed, you get a 200 MPH ticket on a bike and lose your license?

Are you using a proxy? I was using one for awhile, but I kept getting weather for Dusseldorf and all of my ads were in Russian or Dutch.

I hate when non-car people ask me about spending a ton of money so they can drag / track their FWD’s.

Would be a steal for a major auto manufacturer wanting to finally strip down and reverse engineer one of these, doh...

It’s called a draft. Idiot.

9 times out of 10 it’s an old woman, so while old guys still can’t drive very well, they tend to be less likely to get into an accident.

Yeah, the death of the Supra was certainly the end of an era...perhaps with FR-S / 86 and new Supra we’ll see a resurgence of Toyota muscle? Nissan, Mazda and Honda have certainly been doing their part.

Ah. Our bike cops go specifically after bikers, mostly because we have a few gangs that like to sell drugs.