Alcoholic Synonymous

16 - screens for the windows (to keep the bugs out!)

Not sure if this counts as “ingesting,” but I once took some lacquer thinner in my eye while cleaning my gun. Fun!

Or, I dunno...just slow down in the affected lane, and then signal and merge when you get to the cones? Doesn’t seem much different than coming to a red light on an interstate, except merging. Besides, %70 of drivers are assholes, no matter what laws are passed. Really, since DOT handles construction in the first

The problem is Marlon Brando is the founder of NAMBLA, and that, contrary to popular belief, it is in fact Donald Trump who is receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from NAMBLA in a false flag campaign; which is why Donald Trump won’t show his tax returns, because NAMBLA funds Donald Trump.