
Some people don't sign up for autopay because companies notoriously will continue to charge the credit cards even after service has been cancelled.

Credit card companies don't allow companies to charge people extra for using credit cards. That rule doesn't apply to governments, so your local DMV can charge extra for using credit, but a private utility cannot. So, I don't see how Verizon is going to get away with this.

For an expensive piece of equipment, why the hell did they drag it off the field instead of carrying it?

"Let me ask my opponent a question. If his wife was bitten by a zombie, would he put her down? I would put two in the head without thinking. My opponent is soft on zombies."

The Rams and Vikings. The Colts can beat the Jags in their last game and go 3-13. The Rams have the Steelers and 49ers, and should lose those games. The Vikes have the Skins and Bears left, and will probably beat the Bears. So, the Rams are the best shot at 2-14.

For a show that was reportedly hugely over budget, having a full on battle with effects was going to cost a lost of money, and clearly they were trying to save the money at this point.

I'd love to see the reaction of the mob boss when they open the back of the truck and find out its Playbooks.

I hope someone out there doesn't go all Human Centipede 2 with this video.

Those slapping noises you hear coming from the Penn State locker room are McGloin getting punked.

Just another injury due to a Knox mistake.

Divorce = 50/50

I went to the local compusa yesterday and got to play with some tablets. The Samsung Galaxy line is nice, and I liked the 7" tab, but I'm not going to spend $400 on one. If they could turn them out for $200 I'm in.

Another indication of the republican cognitive dissonance. They are all Christy, which means they think man is inherently sinful, yet they believe man is going do the right thing in regards economics and treating other people properly. Doesn't make sense.

Chinese industry has rendered a large amount of their country contaminated. For all the economic benefits, they are slowly killing themselves.

Sorry boys, we've learned the aliens are the producers of Fear Factor. Now chow down on these bull testicles and your dad goes free.

Did they ever broadcast the wider view? I seem to remember when I was young (1980s) that we got wider views. I basically can't watch a football game anymore, the broadcasting is unbearable to watch. The shots are so tight you can't see anything happening. The announcers are a bunch of meatheads saying things that

Cables. Never pay $100 for a cable which you can get for $8 and which will work just as well.

I believe they are using it to tweak their voice recognition software.

I worked at a very passive aggressive company. If they wanted you gone, they wouldn't just fire you, they would go through a whole process of making your job difficult for you, then giving you a bad review, then putting you on notice for the slightest "infraction", then firing you, all so they would never have to pay

Why didn't the camera catch Indy in the fridge?