
I'm guessing Otzi slept with his brother's wife, and his brother took Otzi out on a hunting trip, they had a nice meal, and then the brother shot Otzi, went him, and fucked Otzi's wife. Scientists, make it so.

I definitely got the feeling from the Bears/Broncos broadcast that the announcers were rooting for Tebow. They even suspended their own disbelief. "I can't believe he's done it again!" He didn't do anything. For a broadcast team that does a lot of Bears games, they should know that the Bears always go into prevent

What the F is a surgical technologist?

How about every time someone makes a tackle or nice play, everyone's reaction is to come up to him and smack him in the helmet. I'm sure that adds to it.

For health reasons I had to go on a low salt diet and lose some weight. I gave away all the bad food I had, and have since only eaten unprocessed foods, cut out caffeine, and cut out salt, and I've lost 65 pounds in 9 months. I feel great.

The Sergio Santos move doesn't make any sense. The Sox give away their closer, they want to trade Matt Thornton who started as their closer last year, and Chris Sale, who is the only other pitcher they have who could close is being moved to the rotation. So, they'll have to buy a new closer. Are they going to get one

You can get the report once every 365 days for each of the 3 bureaus. I space mine out. I get one every four months.

I don't quite understand the Clone Wars Anakin's take on his slavery. In the prequel movies it was all unicorns and rainbows, he was a feisty little scamp making things and engaging in pod racing and assorted hijinks. And his mother was freed from her slavery, and was killed by Tusken Raiders, not her slavers. In

It was, but it probably wasn't worth setting back my career several years.

I used to work in IT and I routinely worked over 50 hours a week and never got paid extra for it, not even straight time because they told me I was salaried and that was all I get paid. Then about 3 years into my job the company told me I was really non-exempt. I said, OK, here are my time sheets, you owe me three

Why is it that the sports world forgets everything it knows about sports? We've seen running quarterbacks for decades. In the short term they can win some games, perhaps even have a winning season or two, but in the long run they always get beaten up badly, lose their scrambling edge, and eventually start losing a

The problem with using it as a museum is it costs a lot to maintain the building so that it doesn't fall apart. The money could be better spent in tearing the place down.

Someone clear this up for me. Are you allowed to spin? I've been told no, but I think I saw Jeff spin a couple of times.

LG Optimus V - it says I don't have it

I didn't like the bit where once they defeat the dinosaurs they just sort of say "gee, that was tough, let's just go home and we'll get back to hating each other later". I found that implausible.

Just be aware that chewing sugarless gum with sorbitol or other sugar alcohol sweeteners can give you terrible gas and abdominal cramps.

Well, not to defend ESPN, but they don't have a legal responsibility to report crimes to the police. And if the guy told ESPN, he could have just as easily told the police.

I thought about the governor possibility before, but then realized it doesn't quite make sense. The governor came to rule his people over a the same period of time that Rick's crew was fumbling around. If they leave the farm at the end of season 2 and season 3 is the prison, that is not enough time for Shane to become

Kirkman said on Talking Dead that Otis corralled Sophia in the swamp and put her in the barn and was shot before he told anyone about it. This still doesn't explain why Hershel didn't know, perhaps he wasn't part of the barn feeding crew.

The Walking Dead hissy fit rumor is a bit confusing. From the wording I assume you mean it was a woman who wanted out. The Darabont people (e.g. Andrea and Dale) are all important characters, so I don't see them going anywhere. If Sophia is dead there is no reason to keep her mother on the show, so she could go. That