
Virgin Mobile is sort of doing the same thing. They raised the rates on their no-contract plans last year, but you were grandfathered in on the lower rate, supposedly as long as you keep your account. Now, just as they upgrade their phone lineup, they change the rules so that if you switch phones you will lose your

I think Kings of Metal would have been a better choice here.

What the fuck is a p-yuma?

I thought it was a good episode, but it didn't make much sense to me that Elias put himself in a position to be captured.

Yeah, but now they are free to go after that big corporate neutrino money!

What is the deal with the colloidal silver? How is that supposed to super heal people? And why does it seem that they can't get anymore of it?

Danny Boyle? Is he going to stage the zombie apocalypse in the middle of the stadium?

I'm betting he's going to sign like a 4 year deal, and then can't even finish the first.

I moved to a third floor walkup, and did the whole move myself. Carrying all your stuff up three flights really makes you understand how much needless crap you have. After that I went through everything I had, decided what I don't or won't use anymore or what doesn't fit. I put all of that stuff on craigslist and sold

The poetic symmetry here was that Carl's taunting of the zombie lead directly to Dale's death.

Someone should knock the third G off that guy's name.

Gees, did the arbitrator even call this guy as a witness? It seems he has a perfectly reasonable explanation why he held onto the sample, namely that was the procedure should he not be able to ship the sample out that day. And there was no evidence that the sample was tampered with, and there was no evidence that piss


Wasn't Braun's initial defense that he had a medical reason for the high testosterone? This ruling is based solely on chain of custody, so his initial excuse was never tested. As such, I would say he's not totally cleared.

They convince themselves that what is bad is actually what god wants. (e.g. religious folk who think God wants them to be rich by working poor people to death in sweatshops)

I Am Just About To Become Legend.

Nice to see them go the Speed sequel route with these.

The Regulator.

Nice to hear a Clutch song on tv.

And as soon as you activate the light the cops will pull you over.