
Where did God come from? Man created him.

And on top of the whole melting the metal thing, how are they machining the bullets? Every single one of those bullets would have exploded in their faces as soon as they fired.

Is Alphas just a better produced Painkiller Jane? Super tracks down other supers and puts them in a "hospital" that is supposed to treat them, but its a prison and bad things are being done to them there.

Your power bill hasn't gone down because the power company doesn't want to charge you less.

Yeah, I wish every show didn't have to deal with the band of racist rednecks. This was almost as bad as The Walking Dead's rednecks.

Considering there is no way for a cop to really determine whether someone is healthy and normal just by looking at them, the study conclusions are bullshit.

Just a couple of thoughts

Why don't you just get a different box then? WDTV does what you ask.

I must be missing something. I use the google voice app all the time, and as far as I can tell it never uses my minutes.

Who's kidding whom here? The banks aren't taking on risk anymore, in fact unnecessary risk taking is now encouraged because if the banks fails because of their sheer stupidity they get a bail out from the government.

The intriguing part about this for me is the lack of interchange fees. Currently on credit cards, every time you make a purchase the store is being charged anywhere from 1-5% by the credit card company just to process the transaction. Presumably if these fees aren't charged, the costs of goods to me will be less.

@DrGonzho: Indians are not comically inept like Stormtroopers

I think you should have put the quotes around "Falling" instead of "Inflated"

I've tried both. iSyncr is much quicker. DoubleTwist is terrible. The app works OK, but the desktop software is just as bad as iTunes. I have a lot of music and playlists, and every time DoubleTwist opens it rescans and reloads everything, even though I've unchecked the feature to rescan everything. This takes several

I've been using iSyncr for a couple of weeks. The weird thing about it is to rate songs you can't do it in the music playing app itself, you need to do it through the iSyncr widget which embeds whatever music playing app you want into it (I don't think it works with songbird, but it works ok with Music and

@HacMac64: Exactly what I thought

I take it Eli dies because all the systems are shutting down.

So, does he end up sewing people together ass to mouth?

I love Spock's side-part

The "Event" aliens could be different aliens altogether, run off of their world by the Vs.