
They need to have a V / The Event crossover.

"The Event" will be its cancellation

@jennyzandstra: Yeah, I was planning on switching to the Optimus V this weekend. Looks like a decent enough phone. I've been using the Blackberry 8530, which is ok for just about everything but web browsing, which is really what I want it for. And why pay the extra $10 a month for the blackberry service? The Optimus

As for how the flu will kill everyone, perhaps Sophia is just trying to ramp up the hysteria so that everyone will take a flu vaccine, which she will tamper with to kill people?

I'm sure someone will make a horror movie from this concept. Crazy cabbie stalks Wall Street looking for a couple of douches to suggest driving to Vegas. Takes them on long trip, and at the end the cabbie sews them together ass to mouth.

If no one buys it right now, then what chance is there that Blackberry would make the necessary changes to it?

No Evil Dead?

What I found stupid was the monsters identified the humans as intelligent when they built a fire, but guns and explosives apparently don't count towards intelligence.

I remember Sophomore year of college, 1993, couldn't get onto a computer in the computer lab to type my term paper because everyone was on some sort of internet chat board all night.

But the sky told me its on the pill, why do I need the condom?

Just let it die already. The show is all kinds of stupid.

Perhaps its illegal if someone put their illegally downloaded songs on it and then streamed them. Amazon might be on the hook then for allowing people to access illegally downloaded music?

Biggest peev, they only send one chopper, and after each shot it flies around looking for further instructions. Listen jerkoff, you were told to destroy the buses, so start shooting them all at the same time, don't fire at one, fly a couple of figure eights, come back and shoot one again. You don't get style points

@MrTripps: He'll get to see it after he earns a few more levels.

Why doesn't Syfy greenlight a series about a guy using his powers to create a viable Syfy show? I suppose that fits into the fantasy portion of Syfy.

Yep, their planet would have been destroyed long before the sun ever went supernova.

The show was dead as soon as they tried to make the "human emotion" distinction between us and them. That never made any sense whatsoever.

What about prepaid carriers? I have Virgin Mobile for $25 a month, 300 min, unlimited texts and data. Can't really beat that. If I went with a major carrier I'd be looking at $70 or more.

Guess the show will be sponsored by Monistat.