
Anyone else think that because they pulled streaming of V from Hulu and ABC that the show is going to be cancelled soon? Did the same thing to Caprica.

Ooo oo oo, can I be one of the morlocks?

My tastebuds can repel tits of that magnitude

I'm not concerned about the slow downloads, I'm concerned about the slow iTunes altogether. I have a large library, and just loading the thing takes several minutes. Even if I'm just synching a few new songs it will take several minutes. Just getting into the settings to change the playlists to sync takes several

@passingas: From other posts it seems like this guy might have been two steps removed from the theft, and so would not necessarily be culpable for it. And the hacker did hack the guys email. Sure he did it by backdooring his own computer, but it is still unauthorized illegal access of his email.

Didn't Sarah Palin get some kid sent to jail for guessing her email password? I applaud what he did, but how is it this hacker isn't getting sent away as well?

Bowie should sing that - "little short man of a black complexion. No acquaintance, can say little of him"

They should have let Robot Chicken make the Smurf movie.

@AngryBeaver: Damn you, I was going to post something similar.

@Nivenus: At this point I just want something new. Practically every show is a remake or a cop show variant. Those frameworks limit to a certain extant the stories that can be told. I'm sure someone somewhere can think up something new and interesting.

@IraeNicole: I'll only watch Blood and Chrome if it is made by the Blood and Sand people, and if it has the same amount of gratuitous nudity and slow motion bloodletting.

Any chance of a sci fi show that is not law enforcement related? Seems like everything is a cop show.

Whenever I needed to fall asleep I would put on an episode of SGU. Put me right out every time.

Season 3 has been really bad. I groaned out loud at how bad the whole banking deregultion thing was.

The words of the redneck boy in Cabin Fever seem prescient now. "Pancakes! Whoa pancakes!" Pancakes indeed

That the actual news used this as an actual story is bullshit, but its also bullshit that film companies are feeding bullshit to the news knowing that the news dumbasses are going to present it to the public as real.

Looks like the things from The Descent

The real reason was he was prairie dogging, and didn't want to get too far away from the facilities.

I'm glad that the show quickly deals with major questions instead of doubling down on the stupid to make it seem like there is some mystery. After the card game episode I said they didn't resolve the online dating question, and sure enough, they answered it the next episode.

My memory on it is a bit spotty. I faintly remember the Star Trek cartoon. I certainly remember TOS as a little kid. Once TNG kicked in, it was all Star Trek for me from then on. As far as Star Wars, I remember playing with Star Wars toys as a little kid, but not the first two movies. The first actual Star Wars movie