
WTF?! Why don't they put it in the time slot of the frickin game show they are putting out there? A frickin game show! Unless that show is about winning a million dollars for getting blown by the most women in an hour, I don't want to ever watch a game show!

@ziffelbat: Yes, one must start falling before one can truly fall.

I'm sure somewhere someone is devising an investment vehicle based on virtual properties, and it is going to bankrupt us all!

@JoshUng: Wasn't it restore American pride? And he said he wanted to restore American pride at home and to the rest of the world. Why exactly would the rest of the world have American pride?

@Holku: I hated that, but I also hated the fact that they stopped running from the building after half a block of running. "Stop, where are we going? Let's stand here a half block from the people chasing us and have a long discussion about our next steps!"

If Martinez is Cuban and from Florida, it is very likely he is a Republican, so that would make Joe Biden here a Democrat.

The Sportsmaster sounds like some of these dudes that have fishing shows on Sunday morning local access TV.

I don't see how the Japanese could ever have mounted an invasion like these. The necessary forces would have reduced their capabilities to hold their gains in China and SE Asia. To get Hawaii they would essentially need to send their entire fleet, and even if they did try to invade the west coast, its the west fucking

@VicViper: In the comic, if I remember, the kid couldn't sleep until they got to the prison. So, yes, I do not think the kid was asleep here.

@Dereks: And there was seemingly no reason to saw his hand off. He could have probably taken his time and sawed through the chain. Maybe we'll see in the next episode that the zombies got through the door, because they weren't there when the posse showed up, and that needs to be explained.

I feel that they've gone for some cheap plots and character development. "Oh, let's put the black guy and the redneck guy together and hi-jinks will ensue!" "Let's have women bitching about doing the laundry!" "Let's have some wife beating!" None of that stuff is necessary to where the show is going, unless they are

Get Walmart, Starbucks, or McDonalds to fund it. As soon at there are 10 people there anyway they will set up a store.

I'd love to see what The Boondock Saints would do in the zombie apocalypse.

In this country he'd be given his own reality show and eventually end up on Dancing With The Stars.

"One of the most beloved"? Really?

Don't they need to put sand or some grout or something between the bricks? Where is that step?

Why the hell do they insist on calling the aliens "extraterrestrial biological entities"? That is just stupid. Don't complicate the language if you don't need to. And she said it like being called an alien is a racial slur - "The proper term is extraterrestrial biological entity". And are there going to be some

So there is no way to fool the network sites to think the Google TV is just some plain computer?

Where is the Republican outcry that naval resources are being used to give food to rich people?!

Was he impaling oriental hookers on his coat hooks?