
Why was the first season only 6 episodes? Did they think it was going to fail? With so few episodes the first season, I guess its only going to cover what happens in Atlanta and the park before heading out on the road.

I don't have a problem with "geeks". Walkers is more appropriate, but geeks seemed to fit in effortlessly.

@MrTripps: Illegal Zombies are crossing our borders!

@Foohy: HBO Band Of Brothers type miniseries, not some bad network TV type shit

I'm not sure what to make of the speed of the zombies. They initially seem to lumber along, but then they start moving pretty quick. I definitely hope they don't turn into runners.

@quietgrrrl: All she does on the show is a Samantha Bee impersonation. She reads everything the exact same way as Bee.

Is it just the bad acting, or did Layla give a smirk as she walked away from Sean after crying in front of him? If it was a smirk, I suppose that means she's in on this whole scam.

I don't think a response to the question of whether you are racist or not should be answered with essentially "well, at least I'm not as racist as that guy!"

Gees, every episode now is a rip on pop culture. Please come up with some interesting episodes

I've seen every episode, and I have to say I've fallen alseep during each one. I've tried watching it at various times during the day, morning, afternoon, evening, and I still just fall asleep.

I think he should keep the beard and leather jacket as his look for the new show. Who needs another clean shaven guy in a suit doing a boring monologue?

I've seen a few clips of her on Politically Incorrect, and heard a few radio interviews she's done, and in all of them she just talks about a completely different point than everyone else, and then continues to talk over everyone without saying anything of any substance. What a moron.

@skatalite: Come on, people thought Boba Fett was bad ass from the movies, long before the books got to flesh out the character. Going by the movies, he did nothing.

Now if they can only get Mephisto from South Park to give her four asses.

Oh, please make the villian a giant space whale!

You forgot the 300 ripoff scene where the zombies chase her off the roof and it looks like they are falling off the cliff.

What sucks for me is that I used to be in IT, and whenever my name was searched it came up with another person with my name who was in IT and was caught as a hacker. So now I wonder if this is why I wasn't getting all those IT jobs.

What about wireless charging? I don't know if there is a large loss of energy in the transmission, if there is going to be a lot of interference, or what the economics are, but if it can charge my cell phone, why not a car? Put up trasmission poles along the highway so you charge the entire drive.

If by "Sara Palin" you mean "opinionated moron", then yes, she is.

To fight her ridiculous masterbation theories, I am touching myself right now, to her picture.