
Weird, it’s almost like gamefreak isn’t developing one of the most profitable franchises in the world and can hire as many people as they need to put in all the pokémon in the first time.

Which shows you weren’t paying attention because one of the reasons why Dexit people were upset was because TPC outright said that no old Pokémon would be patched in later and that we would have to buy other games to get the missing Pokémon.

If it makes you feel any better, the misogynists are fighting so hard because they know they are losing. :)

This article paints such a vivid experience of watching the last decade in transformation and the duality of representation and exclusion that has come with a renewed interest in video game gender politics. It’s not one I experienced firsthand, but one that I was painfully forced to watch my gaming friends suffer

I will do that, thanks. Seems like a good way to spend a weekend afternoon sometime.

Destiny has and is a great game. Balancing awareness, evolving, community participation, great mechanics. The core of destiny is so damn yummy that it is parsed and nit picked because people project what more could be done with this fantastic sandbox. I am sorry but the Raid encounters are up there with some of the

Time to dust off the old alternate headline roundup:

The weird thing is that in the Japanese translation he uses many different Japanese expressions that are all translated into “whatever”. I would have wished that they would have translated what he was saying instead of just making it into some sort of catch-phrase. (I even found this from ClydeMandelin on “Legends of

The funny thing is, the game itself encourages you to completely ignore the batshit A plot in favor of Squall’s development and the romantic plot tumor that runs along side it. IIRC, there’s a big infodump later in the game about what’s really going on and during the entire thing Squall’s interior monologue is

Meh. I never bought into Squall’s “arc”. He only ever changes at all because the plot demands it of him.

Now playing

Maybe Square can get the rights to just cut to this instead?

Honestly, Squall’s character growth is the best part of this game (unless you’re more into batshit anime plotlines and twists, then that’s on another level). I really hope that this remaster helps to rehab this game’s image. Yes, it’s a game that’s entire battle system can be twisted and broken on a whim, not

Night Sky Prince talked recently about the idea that there might actually be voice acting in the game. Square hasn’t done a physical version of any of their re-releases, but FF8 Remaster is getting one. That implies that it’s big enough to make use of the blu-ray’s real estate.

I know it’ll never happen, but I almost wish they’d do a different translation for Squall. Especially since we’re talking about text and not having to re-do a bunch of voice acting. Since his “whatever” is apparently a sarcastic “well, excuse me” in the original Japanese. I mean, he’s not winning personality awards

Joule thief!

I think people understate the anger of the fanbase. This National Dex thing (which was a problem since Sun and Moon though those games allowed you to keep every old pokemon, even if they don’t have a dex entry), is just the straw that camel back. There has been many details over all games that have accumulated and

Ivanka is actually the perfect American representation. Being pretty, blonde, and white with a rich daddy will take you to the top of the country for free.

I miss the Golden Age of the Internet where every site background was Black/Dark or an Animated GIF personally.

Can you really write an article about this kinda thing when your own site is bright white?