Yeah like, when I see the words “Bobby Kotick calls out to the world”, in my head I’m all like, “Hey Bobby, remember that time you sent a voice message to your secretary, threatening to have her killed?”
Yeah like, when I see the words “Bobby Kotick calls out to the world”, in my head I’m all like, “Hey Bobby, remember that time you sent a voice message to your secretary, threatening to have her killed?”
Whether or not Kotick is right or wrong, or anything really, he’s just a piece of shit and should just shut up and sit down.
Devil’s advocate, but how is it different than what Netflix, Hulu, HBO, etc do with getting exclusive licenses to TV shows or movies?
Absolutely. Sony is specifically being brought up here because they’ve accused the merger of being anti-consumer for potentially doing what Sony has already been doing over a decade. You know, like paying for exclusive content or features in CoD games, paying to delay the Xbox and PC releases of CoD DLC, etc.
Exactly, but the deal is going to happen now regardless as MS has been 100% right about every argument Sony has made. Plus it being well known that the man said I don’t want a deal I just want to stop the merger. I get everyone’s concerns on this comment board, actually if im being honest its probably the most…
At the same time that I think that the merger between Activision and Microsoft would be bad for us costumers, I also believe that more regulation in the gaming industry would be bad for us.
If Sony’s opposition results in more regulator scrutiny of the gaming industry, then that’ll be good for consumers, bad for Sony. This merger is going through regardless but Sony’s own anti-competitive practices may get more attention than they would like.
No, it’s unfortunately Sony’s obsession with Call of Duty that tipping the scales. There is far more wrong with this merger than Call of Duty but Sony won’t shut up about it.
Yeah, this could have been a pretty good article but how negative it is, for basically no good reason, renders it basically junk. It’s 90% “This isn’t what I want” and 10% “Oh wait, maybe I should backtrack a little on the hate...? Nah.”
We live in a timeline where a small segment of gamers thought developers should finish a game for free after being laid off.
I know it’s annoying that the translator wouldn’t answer the writer’s DMs, but that doesn’t necessarily warrant the negative tone of the article.
As mentioned in the article, I'd bet they went with the Super Famicom version largely because my understanding is that patching a translation into a PS1 or Saturn game would be far more complex. The SNES has dozens of translation patched games and has been thoroughly documented, so I assume the community support is…
Pretty much this but I like the option to be able to insert a disc if needed.
Okay, now write this same article about Sony releasing Horizon, God of War, Last of Us, and the many other exclusives.
I would play pretty much the entire Sonic franchise before even attempting to beat Lost Levels again.
Track: Time Warp | Artist: Perfume | Album: Time Warp (single)
More likely done with quickly lol.
Yep, agreed on all front. Although revisiting the music for this did make me kinda want to give the remake a little more time.
Weird, it’s almost like gamefreak isn’t developing one of the most profitable franchises in the world and can hire as many people as they need to put in all the pokémon in the first time.