
It accurately describes how you feel, though. The days after giving birth is a haze, but the one thing I remember with clarity is how AWESOME it felt to be able to get out of bed like a normal person and not roll out bed like a whale carcass being pushed out to sea

yes you can play as Reks now but is he CAPTAIN VON RONSENBURG OF DALMASCA

Yesssssssssssssssssss I have been waiting to play this game since it came out in 2006 (I owned a Gamecube). And mods will make it all the sweeter. That being said I still haven’t beat BoTW, AND I’ll have to beat XV again on should probably wait to buy XII.

I’ve had this experience with Halo. I used to be super competitive with 2/3, and really fell off with the last few as I’ve gotten older. I had chalked it up to my reflexes and hand-eye coordination getting worse, but lately I’ve made a concerted effort to try to get good at Halo 5 again.

Does Nintendo get a trophy for having the oddest things accredited to their hardware? GameBoys surviving bomb blasts, Switches finding tumors, Wii remotes used to train surgeons.

Hello, I am not bothering with giving replies to people who are just calling me bad names, but I do reply to nice answers like yours.

- Finally made it to the arcade guys!!

The reason was threefold - 1: I think development hardware is really cool and I love learning about it, 2: at the time (5 years ish) no emulator allowed for source-level debugging, which made learning the language very tricky for anything more than Hello World or simple Pong clones. The original gear allowed me to see

I’ve never mentioned nor referenced a voltage issue, apart from assuring anyone who brings up that blog article that our carts use 5v EPROMs. This wasn’t something talked about in the interview and doesn’t apply to any of the development equipment or processes I use, let alone the reasons for choosing this development

Before I took a long hiatus from the series way back when (last one I played was 358/2, so everything from KH1-then, no BbS, DDD, or whatnot), I understood the hell out of it, and felt pretty confident in my knowledge. While playing FFXIV a few weeks back, I started having a conversation, due to us being hyped for

“Coming 2018"

Is your friend Sephiroth?

What conditioner does he use? Asking for a friend.  

The Internet. Where the men are men, the Women are men and the children are the FBI.

I dunno, mid-90's me was already heavily involved in technology and fantasy / sci-fi, so I probably would have just thought it was cool, and then asked future me what the Nintendo 64 was like, and whether I could borrow his time machine.

Maybe I’m just incredibly naive, but as someone who has very little activity on social media (Only a FB account I rarely use), is it really that hard to create a private, separate account where somebody can unleash their “inner asshole” without self sabotage?
Any time I see a story like this, I always wonder how

Well if you think the sun is a god, or that god(s) roam the sky, you might draw pictures on Earth in order to please them. (I’m not saying this was the actual reason, I’m just brainstorming possibilities.)