
I don’t remember how I found Spelunky either, must’ve been a random free game list around the web, but I too played in 2009. I loved every second of it, and remember eagerly awaiting the HD port on Xbox!

Ngl, the game’s short, but this sounds like it’ll extend its life quite a bit. If nothing else, I can see playing the update for a few minutes with my sibling.

N-tomologists nightmare

MURI might be for you. I never played the Duke Nukum sidescrollers, but I did Crystal Caves and man did that scratch the same itch.

It’s actually been the norm for quite some time. There’s some famous stories about games like Sonic 3 & Knuckles, whose PC demo only had a single line commenting out the rest of the game, and a Shoot em Up on Saturn who accidentally provided the full game on a magazine demo disc.

Masaka is waking!

I kind of understand where you’re coming from with the finale. A finale is it, its the end of the adventures for characters and worlds you’ve become totally attached to. Unless there’s books are a sequel series, there’s no more of that world.

The one TV show ending that stuck with me, besides Quantum Leap’s, is Sliders. Sure at that point, the show had gone on for three seasons too long, having long switched the filming locations, ditching two out of the four main cast on a bus back to their home Earth, replaced the main character with a clustered up body

I’ve grown quite fond of my mini monument to menacing Blathers to open his museum. I thought we were the only ones lol

I actually hopped onto my old Neopets account a couple of months back; I’ve gotten into the habit of earning a few NP and leaving them in hotels for a week though.

I mean, I kind of agree with you there. A lot of time spent gaming in my youth was filling in the blanks of the world around me.

This is one of the things I hated about D2 Year 2. It did a lot of good things, but in Year 1, you used to just load up on a planet, in a mission or gametype etc., with daily challenges that functioned mechanically the same as bounties. You got two less of them, but I’d take having two less and not having to stop and

This is way late and only vaguely on topic, but the MMD made me realize that the Macarena I grew up with was a lie.

Hate to be that nerd, but the episode is “All Good Things...”, minus the Must.

Mine was Dracovish. I felt bad about its inability to breathe on land, a rather important detail for Pokemon battles that always happen on land, named it Hydrobro and yeeted it into my box, never to look upon it again.

TBF, I would’ve been fine with them taking time to implement more Pokemon, instead of rushing to hit the Christmas rush.

What’s funy is that I couldn’t finish Mana Khemia 2. Like I asked for it as a birthday gift, played a bit, and I just lost steam. I don’t remember why, it just didn’t hold the same staying power as the first one did. I might also revisit that sometime, give it another shot, see if I misjudged it. But that was 12 years

I absolutely adore Iris and Mana Khemia. I think they’re some of the PS2's best RPGs, hands down, in a system loaded with them.

I think something needs to be clarified here: The Atelier games for PS2, including Mana Khemia, are in a sense different from those that came before or sense. The PS2 games were action based RPGs with crafting systems that featured episodic gameplay, but the ones before and after are more busywork simulators. They’re

Mana was one of those games I rented and bought on PS Classics much later. But for how many times I rented it, I should’ve saved my money and bought the dang game. Alas, doing so would’ve meant cooperating with my sibling, but I at least got FFVII, VIII, IX, Tactics, Xenogears and Chrono Cross that summer, so guess I