
Have you heard about TCRF? Standing for The Cutting Room Floor, its a video game Wiki devoted to this stuff. Might want to give it a look, over at

I actually played LLTQ because I was desperate for more Princess Maker action. Keep in mind this was long before PM2: Refine (the Steam version) was available to buy in English, on, well, Steam. :)

What stopped working? I know one solution for a non-functional CD-ROM drive is to flip the thing over; the plastic railings for the laser become warped over the years, but flipping it over will have the laser run on the relatively unblemished railings on the top.

Awkward Zombie’s the best, as always, but Double XP has a point.

All we need is Alolan Meowth. Longcat vs Tacghnol in a Pokemon game would make me stupidly happy.

Yeah, but it was also PvE and worked far better as a single character experience, not the three in combat like when I played NT.

I enjoyed all the little things like daily Moogle Mails, the revisit to the original Dissidia’s storyline in 012, and how creative it got with its anime as heck story. Chaos and Cosmos, as

I was in the beta, I can’t agree more. At least I learned my mistake via a free route, rather than paying full price, but it still sucks.

I have my Vita, which has all my old PSP save data on there, so I still have that bit of comfort.

Feral Chaos was good times, though. No, really. Difficult, but fun. :)

I was in the beta, I can’t agree more. At least I learned my mistake via a free route, rather than paying full price, but it still sucks.

I have my Vita, which has all my old PSP save data on there, so I still have that bit of comfort.

Feral Chaos was good times, though.  No, really.  Difficult, but fun. :)

I saw this on Dtoid about a week ago, and I’ve been stoked ever since.  If it comes out soon soon after its projected October 10th release date, I can still call it a birthday present!

Thing is, I feel like the sequel has gone on to become a better game. I will always miss D1, greatly and deeply, but D2 has done some things better, mechanically speaking.
Like the introduction of subclass abilities, you have no idea how much I’ve missed them as a Void Hunter who has gone back to help a newbie through

Hey, you’re not the only one. I love how the gunplay feels in Destiny, and playing the MCC made me realize how much it had improved over oldschool Halo’s, even though bits of it can be felt there. There’s nothing in the original 3 Halos, though, that feels quite as nicely or natural as using a Destiny Scout Rifle or

So its like Mister Mosquito with a wholesome message, perviness and anime girls?

Too bad Squeenix joshed it. I still believe it, though; its the only way the game makes any sense at all.

VIII has always had a huge soft spot shaped respect in my heart. The plot will never make a goddamn lick of sense, but I always enjoyed the Junction system, the flying airship highschools, the Chocobo puzzles, the Moombas, the everything that is going on makes it stand out all the more, for better or for worst.
Damn if

Net Grocer, too!
My mom is a book nerd and tech nerd, so she was big into Amazon, basically the moment they opened their website. By the time I got to use it to look for a grad gift, at the end of 98 or so, they’d already expanded their selection to include video games and other consumer goods.

It was a bug fix release, and while the Cinnabar/Seafoam MissingNo. bug wasn’t a bug in Japan (thanks localizers!) there were a ton of other bugs that were fixed in later revisions of R/G, or patched up in Japanese Blue.
It was also a Coro Coro Comics promotion, like how the Gameboy Camera had a special Coro Coro

Trust me, no argument there. The full subtext is that Bungie, a year or so back, would literally say they’re listening, but not actually *do* anything about it.

We’re already getting the SM/USUM models in Gen VIII, from appearances, and past experiences of using the Stadium/2 models long after they should’ve made new ones. The graphical fidelity ain’t much better, either.

I get that making a game is hard; I’ve tried it, and I respect people who do it for a living. But I would rather wait that extra bit of time, in past Ocarina of Time standard because, seriously, one of the stated reason for Zelda 64's delay was quality, and have those extra Mons, than have it release sooner and only

I’d believe it if they hadn’t already claimed to future proofed all models, and that should include compatible skeletons, and with that, animations. My understanding of the SM/USUM models is that they’re much higher resolution than they needed to be, and part of why the game can run poorly in battles.