
This reminds me so much of Bungie’s “We’re listening!” about a year ago.  They’ve gotten better, but this feels like it carries that same sentiment.

I’ll probably get it preowned down the road after seeing how this goes, but for now, I’m not grabbing Sword and Shield on release date like I’ve always done for Pokemon games since... Yellow. My first game preorder was Yellow at Kmart back in the 90's lol.

Weird thought, but Blue is technically the third game in Gen I. It came out like half a year to two years later, featured bug fixes and new sprites. Sure it wasn’t Yellow, which added the anime story onto Gen 1's story, but Yellow is the one and only fourth game.

I remember hoping I’d get an FFIV styled remake of both on the NDS and 3DS.  Still waiting on that. :)

Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon. Originally a PSP and PS2 game, it bombed in the reviews for not being HM-enough. But I feel it would do so much better in the current market, being a game less about dating sim, and more about your robot avatar growing his humanity and exploration. It’s a totally relaxing game

There actually was an anime... sort of. WOTC hired a mangaka to write a Magic series. They did, but what WOTC had in mind was what they are showing here; a show set in the MTG universe.
What they got was a Yu-Gi-Oh! clone.
The manga even calls it Magic, though the anime, and the card game based off of it, is called Duel

Your mind will be blown when you discover both game consoles and players made specifically to play Blu-Rays can both play movies.
There’s nothing wrong with offering an alternative, so long as it: A) doesn’t use the original’s code, or B) claim to be the original.
Look up the Connectix Game Station; in the US, Sony sued

I mean, these circumstances are the exact basis for a lot of fanfics.

Yeah, I won’t shy away from admitting that this article has me itching to play Rogue Leader again. I was never quite pro back then, but I loved flying the different ships around, including the Imperial transport, and screw around with cheat codes.

Raytheonis the name of a US Defense contractor, so yeah, that wouldn’t fly.

They also remind me of these little mini figures we used to have:


Tabula Rasa was a soap opera, a calamity in and of itself.  It’s like a quantum event of drama, there and now it’s gone.  But there was a whole lot of drama there.

Same. I enjoy GW2 as a kind of relax and craft kind of game, but it’s missing the spirit GW1 had.

I loved the original Guild Wars, played about every day, from day one, for seven years as a denial/control Me/Mo or Me/R. The announcement for GW2 came out and... well, it was the first time I was shocked by a game’s planned release date, from a time scale sense.

I mean, there ARE people who are huge nerds for local TV off-air recordings. I have nostalgia for my local PBS and other affiliates, but then there’s people like Peter Partridge, who runs the site Platypus Comix:

Best not wait too long, the thought of them rotting terrifies me. :)
Seriously, tho, there are LD collectors out there. Used to work a thrift store, once got a huge LD shipment in, it was gone within the first hour of putting them out.

Zelda II is one of my favorites, I always had a soft spot for these action RPG platformers featuring sword guys, but they’re kind of... rare.
One I’ve enjoyed is Faxanadu, created by Hal but based on a game by Nihon-Falcom. It’s a wonderfully long game, that places less emphasis on sword mastery and more on

I’ve never played one past the PS2 ones, but I found the Iris and Mana Khemia series to be great time sinks. I’ve actually beat 2 and Mana Khemia, and while they’re nothing to write home about, I enjoyed them and their awesome music none-the-less.
Iris also has one of my favorite fourth wall breaking scenes, but yeah.

TBF, working retail, I knew this was exactly where this was going.  No, sticker swapping won’t get you a cheaper shopping trip, it’ll just annoy the employees...