
We’re gamers, but they’re marketing. Money is their motive, and it’s not Epic’s fault that their lower price at entry is good for the developer’s bottom end. In fact, it’s a boon. A blessing in disguise. I’m personally thrilled for the Epic Store exclusivity, as while the launcher isn’t perfect, Valve has been resting

Developer side, make it so Steam takes less of a cut? That’s one of the few reasons a dev would want to publish on Epic’s storefront, anyway.

Hey, tried these last night, with a new Luix I just got. Followed the recipe exactly, 2 tsps salt, water to cover, 90 minutes, ice water to cool, but mine seem to have come out a little undercooked They smell vaguely of rotten eggs, and while the white has turned brown, it doesn’t seem like they have shrunk or the

Those Botbots remind me of those old McDonald’s transforming food toys I had when I was a kid.  I’ll admit, I’m well beyond the intended demographic, but I might bug my SO to let me pull a pack.  Or five.  I love it.

Methinks he means Early Access, not Origin.

Just saying Hades is totally worth it. I’m having so much fun with it, even if it’s a little repetitive.  Think of a fast paced Diablo clone with some great writing, and that’s pretty much it.  But it’s been fun so far.

I waited the longest to join the battle. Or it certainly feels like it after all this hype.

Same for the PSP, too. On both handhelds, I must’ve put them down and forgotten about doing something in them for about a month each, and came back to find while half-drained, both were still to go and right where I left them.
I love Sony’s engineering, even if I hate their propensity to shoot themselves in the foot.

Now playing

I remember when a few people on the Internet, me included, went out to make that Stalchild as huge as possible. Some even grabbed a Gameshark and made it infinite night to find out how big it could get.

Answer: as big as the game wants it.

I love the 64 Zelda games so much I have had a slightly unhealthy obsession with how those games changed during development. For a long time I was part of a research community devoted to the 64 era Zeldas, and I found it fascinating to see things like Aria/obj_human, the Hyrule Castle Dungeon, and the early Castle

Especially with Nintendo’s stated, “We’d rather hold back a game til its ready then release a bad product.”

Keeping in mind, a console game was complete and done once shipped. Good luck patching cartridges and CD based media.

I was like 9 by the time I got to play FFIII. I’ll tell you what, as a kid, I was impressed a video game could do an entire Opera act, even without sampled vocals. Just III was a groundbreaking game for me, having a deeply involved story and tons of content (for the day), and that always stuck as the epitome of how

Same. I was huge into exploring OoT’s spots in the overworld that we had no right to be at, and marveling how they were just there. Sure, a few of them held extra items (Poes, a Fairy Fountain), but there were extra areas there just to be extra areas, and that was just fascinating to my 11 year old brain.

I actually picked up a Booster Plus for $10 at a thrift store. Still complete in box.

Yeah, I was heartbroken over the Funi buyout, because, well, it’d been a beautiful two years. I’ve known about HIDIVE, but didn’t really have a reason to sub to it. I mean, a lot of older anime are on there, stuff up my alley, but you know, when you have VRV...

There’s a tiny optimist in me that’s looking at this like

Leaving this here because while the Lost Universe concept is amazing, it is where the term Coconut Crab came from:

I have such a huge soft spot for this game. A lot of it was cool just to see how I could live life differently, but also because browser games were still a rarity outside of Newgrounds and Neopets, and it had the novelty of, well, living another life.

I have fonder memories, because I started the Wikipedia page for

Look up the LostMediaWiki’s troubles with Fandom AKA Wikia. They had a whole pile of heartburn from them, not including refusing to delete the Wiki once they were moving to their own server, locking them out (and taking assets copyrighted to dycaite, the owner, while at it), and generally being a pain until the bitter

Hey, local yokel here. Might I add while the 89 Loma Prieta earthquake caused more damage, the 92 Landers Quake (at 7.3) set up the 99 Hector Mine Earthquake (7.1), which was felt almost as far away as Las Vegas. Want to talk about some rockers?

I survived all three of them in the High Desert of CA. Fun nights indeed,

FFVI would be perfect for you, if they ever fixed it on Steam. If not, find it on a digital storefront elsewhere.
It’s not grindy, but it has really good story.

Plus Silent Light, the Medina Village theme is a remix of Narshe’s theme from VI, which is cool. Same for Tyrano’s Lair and the Earth Shrine in FFV, and again