
People treat Lucas like he’s some reviered filmmaker. He made >ONE< good film (ep4), and >one< decent film (American Graffitti). Irving Kirshner made Empire awesome. People forget he’s only directed exactly 6 studio films. 6. SIX. And of those, only 2 were really worthwhile. Lucas should never have tried to direct the

Oh George Lucas, it’s cute that you have opinions. Truly. Considering the fact that you think you own Star Wars to the point of editing the originals to change the story beyond recognition, I think you should go sit in the corner with your billions of dollars and shut the fuck up.

I really, really, really don’t get this guy. I honestly can’t tell if he’s aware that he sucks as a movie-maker proper and therefore jealous that they could make a good Star Wars movie without him, or if he’s absolutely delusional because he’s just batshit insane.

Is it just me, or does this guy look like Nathan Lane in old nerd makeup?

I have mixed feelings about George. He says stupid stuff and he appears to have succeeded as much through luck as skill, but he’s also giving away his billions. And he’s spent the past few years trying to build affordable housing in super posh Marin County. I’m not positive that is altruistic or an attempt to piss of

For a big chunk, Han Solo was Han Solo because Ford would go, “Nope. That line is awful,” and come up with alternative lines in the script. (The most famous is the “I know” line. He was supposed to say this long, “I love you too” speech. Ford didn’t think it fit Solo and fought to change it. And the change was way

Grandpa escaped the home again, we’ve gotta go pick him up

I guess it’s easier to have a tantrum than to admit that the original success of Star Wars was due to the brilliant editing by his ex-wife, that the prequels he made surrounded by his yes-men were laughably horrible, and that after he sold the franchise to Disney they made an awesome movie without him.

“They wanted to make a movie that was critically acclaimed. I don’t like that.”

Lucas is right where he belongs in relation to the Star Wars franchise...

Yes, but George, when you ruin your children, sometimes the state has to take them away from you for their own welfare.

Indeed, apparently “family values” fails to include coherent, proper English?

Honestly, I’m more shocked by the atrocious spelling and grammar than by the actual content of the tweets. That they are dangerously aggressive loose canons comes as less of a surprise.

I've already seen it twice and plan on seeing it again. I will gladly hand over my money to this franchise as long as they keep churning out good movies.

It’s almost as if, when you make a movie that is good and that has women and people of color in key roles, women and people of color will go see it and white men won’t be scared away either.

So... basically, “suck it up, deal with it and quit whining”.

I’m constantly perplexed by this. Yeah, that list is fine....if she’s 13. She’s 21. What 21 year old has this detailed of a list for Christmas? She basically gave a registry for Christmas. Every grown person I know answers “I dunno....a scarf or something?” when you ask what they want for Christmas.

Haha Sixth?! The coolness of Qui-gon Jin?! Qui-gon is possibly one of the most baffling, morally questionable and idiotic characters in the history of cinema, let alone star wars. Also the maneuvering of Palpatine might as well be known as the legendarily stupid nature of every character being manipulated by him.

One of the best voice actors alive delivering rusty lines? That is definitely just a theory. Unless he has forgotten how to use his normal voice and can do nothing but the Joker.

The hate toward the prequels is completely justified. I don’t mean to parrot the same old Plinkett talking points, but Lucas attempted to follow up a fun, raw action series with a trilogy of films about political subterfuge. The maneuvering of Palpatine really isn’t that interesting, especially for what is ultimately