
The word is “jibe.” “Jive” is that language Mrs. Cleaver was translating in Airplane.

All I ever wanted was to see everything that my friends post, in chronological order. That’s it. If I have followed a company, like a record label, it’s because I want to see their posts too. This should not be hard.

I believe I was clear.

You know the best change Facebook could make? TO LET ME PICK MOST RECENT AND STICK WITH IT. Because instead of seeing the posts people make chronologically, like ya know, makes sense, I want some algorithm to take a crack at what it thinks I want to see.  

A good place to start would be removing anything from my feed that tells me when someone on my friends list clicks like on something.

Exactly what was said above. You can generally deduct the full amount of the cash donation minus the fair market value of anything you receive in return for your donation. (Donate to a local public radio station? Deduct the fair market value of the tote bag you get back from them).

TL;DR version: Writing things off saves you some money in taxes owed, but it doesn’t equal free stuff.

One would think anybody writing anything off would know this, but I have very smart friends who don’t seem to understand the concept. These same friends think that they are saving a bunch of money (on their entire income) by lowering their tax bracket as well. This kind of stuff really need to be taught in all high

I stepped on a garden rake in my garage and got whacked in the head by the handle. It hurt like hell, but the tears were laughter.

I had that happen to the team I coach, in reverse. Our stupid little league limits pitchers to 2 innings a game, regardless of pitches thrown. Our first 2 pitchers cruised through 4 innings, and we were up 6-2. It was early in April, we play at a beach, and it was a 6:00 game. It was quickly getting dark and cold.

Bottom of the 8th 2 outs up 5-0 pitching a perfect game... the pitcher is swinging and missing on purpose.

this is a very good take [no, seriously, great point]

Intentional strikeout question. What about this scenario? Your team is comfortably ahead, it starts to rain hard and it’s only going to get worse. You want to get to an official complete game before the game is cancelled for weather.

This whole concern trolling by Trump for the rust belt and manufacturing can be summed up in two words: Wilbur Ross. The commerce secretary, who’s a fake billionaire, btw, spent the 1980s though the mid aughts gutting textiles, steel, auto parts and engineered materials and sent it the China. Hell, entire

And there it is folks: the “both sides” argument from the non scientist who won’t bother to listen to the 97% of climatologists that are saying climate change is real, it’s caused by humans, and it’s going to cause a lot of damage and deaths in the near future.

Great to see the voices who complain they are being silenced now silencing the voices of the ones they claim were doing the silencing.

There is actually a new FREE bus that takes you around Gtown. Its called the connector and you can pick it up a block outside of Dupont Cir Metro. There are a few interesting things to see in Georgetown, but mostly just shopping and restaurants. The C&O canal is fun to see, but now that they closed the boat ride

Forget extensive, just basic would have been an improvement over this dude. Sole factor? The whole point is that his lack of experience coupled with an unqualified rating, coupled with his inappropriate temperament all point toward his being a terrible candidate.