
Um, I dunno. This sounded like a waste of a vacation. Cartoons in a hotel room, people watching, chasing your toddler around, sans stroller, in 100 degree weather...staying at home in SC during July and August could net the same benefits.

Actually, yes, there *are* people who would say exactly that. "You would be cute if you did something (i.e. straightened or altered) to your hair.". And it isn't just romantic partners. My mother tells me a version of this almost every time I see her, and I've been natural now for over 5 years. She still calls my

I've been considering straightening/wearing wigs for my job search, too. Bad enough I'm not cute and white; I'm very aware of my appearance having to "fit into the culture" of whatever company I want to hire me, qualifications be damned. My first supervisor at my old job came right out and told me I didn't get the job

As someone who asks "how did you get your hair do to that", I apologize — but it's because my hair DOESN'T look like that (no matter how much buttercreme, curlyWhatever, WhateverCurly, Curlzstuff, etc. I shell out for) when I take it out of the twists I always have to wear it in just to keep it looking neat. My hair

Thank you, thank you, thank you for saying this. 34 weeks and terrified and also wondering the exact same thing.

wait...Nursing Pajamas? These are a thing? Finally, something hopeful and helpful from one of these articles! *runs off to google*

For real. He's been apparently doing some soul searching and thinking about fatherhood and how manhood intersects with how he (and other men) treat women. Can't be mad at that, especially given the problems with sexism in this particular community.

Yes. This. My skin has never looked worse and makeup application isn't only depressing now, but it takes. SO. Long.

I wish she'd write more about the barriers to employment instead of "omg motherhood is going to kill you, lmao" all the time. And I'm sure that moms are already quite aware of the sacrifices they make, and those who have no desire to be moms are equally aware and don't wish to make those sacrifices .

So is it Worth It even if you wear glasses? Because I'll be a Mom soon and will need all the help I can get not to look like I crawled out of the Black Lagoon.

No, it bothered me too. I kept looking for scenes from 'Safe House' or some other action movie. I mean, they couldn't be bothered to get some jazz?

welp, there goes my desire to see this movie. But thanks for the explanation! #ohwell

Maybe it's been too long, but I always thought Alex Cross was black...

YES. A kickass WOC who isn't just window dressing! Yes please.

Oh, gods, I would watch the hell out of a Black Sherlock Holmes. While I see your point (the Idris as Heimdall kerfuffle was as vehement as it was stupid), there really should be more characters of color portrayed in media. The more often it happens, the less odd and bitch-worthy it will seem.

I honestly wonder if anyone takes those "my kids are the loves of my heretofore sad and empty life" articles seriously. To me, they all read like attempts to make the public believe what the author wishes she/he did. Articles like these seem far more honest to me, and infinitely more terrifying.

For real! I'm pregnant and this damn article made me well and truly (dare I say it?) sorry. I mean, damn. Is there nothing good about having children except for the strong facial muscles you develop as a mother from fake-smiling all day before you collapse into whatever hellhole you can carve out for yourself for five

I dunno; I think if they would let Idris Elba have a shot at it, he definitely has the danger/charm/sex appeal/humor package. Plus, I always wondered why there were so few brown spies in the movies, considering the nature of geopolitical intrigue these days.

What about tarts? Creme brulee? Mini eclairs? There are things I would rather have than cupcakes.

Indeed it does. It is called 'Baggage', is hosted by (aptly enough) Jerry Springer, and airs on the Game Show Network, IIRC. Mr. Divant DVRs it occasionally.