
Lurve this color on her, though she's worn better dresses. I need this headband though.

Ditto. So does this mean I'll be able to get a bias cut skirt in the Lauren: ralph lauren site this fall? ::crosses fingers::

Why, why, WHY doesn't she make plus sizes?!

Tom in those *gloves*. Dear heavens. Yes, please, and thank you.

Yeah but what does Keni Styles watch on his days off, hmm? Where is your investigative reporting now, Jezebel?!

I love RiRi's outfit but that off-shoulder white dress!!! I need that in my life.

Yeah but you're better off without her, and best to get it out there. I mean, next thing you'd have discovered she had no idea who Sade is and you really don't want to be with that kind of person, right?

I wish I could have been surprised by this but I'm not.

Yeah, don't bother calling any of the US stores; they don't have any and all the shopgirls are, Like, RILLLLLY ANNNOYYYED.

Yes indeed, and several times.

I don't see why admitting wearing makeup For Other People is a *bad* thing! I mean, damn, the standards are there, why can't we admit to trying to live up to them? Everyone doesn't have the luxury of ignoring them.

Jesus, so much this. Thigh gaps? I can't even.

I wear slipshorts. Changed my life. Seriously. They ain't sexay but I can wear dresses and skirts without wanting to just staple them down the middle to end the thigh-torture. .

Oh, I was *hoping* this was what this would be, and it IS! #daymade

So can we get Michael Shannon or Maybe Tom Hardy or Idris Elba to read this one?

Spartacus = male nudity win. Damn, I miss that show.

Right now, Strike Back (on Cinemax, natch) is pretty good for the obligatory/unnecessary sex scenes (except with the one brown operative, which, unfortunately, is all too common), too.

What has thou wrought, Terrance Howard?!

Can anyone verify if this is for use on Black hair too?

Agreed. The ' Biiiiig Fun with the Wretched' is one of my favorite episodes and examples of Clair Huxtable parenting awesome.