
can we Skype to meetings? Because gas is expensive. Also, are there free bagels? Toast with marmalade?

Know what would be a good movie? An amazing (not necessarily twentysomething)WOC who graduated from an okay school, has an amazing life (amazing relationship optional), looking for an amazing job. The indignitity of the interview process, the necessary quirkiness that comes from reinventing oneself under duress, the

You could start with romantica (erotic romance) and move on from there. Ellora's Cave has lots of stuff, as does Loose Id. Oysters & chocolate is a new publisher, mostly E books, too. As for anthologies, there's a best of compilation that comes out every year. And Smart Bitches is an excellent resource as well. Happy

*sigh* I knew it had to be in South Carolina. I just KNEW it. I swear my state just can't get it right...

Keni Styles. All day, everyday; yes, please, and thank you.

So very much this, on all counts. Where is the solidarity and "sisterhood" when it comes to Women of Color?

I've been saying the same thing about books for *years*. It astounds me that readers are so willing to put up with lazy writing and the excuse "oh, I don't know how to write an X character." Then you are a lazy, sucky writer and need to do some a)research, and b) real damn writing.

Amen, yes, please, and thank you. Why is this so hard for people to understand?

Agreed. I thought this was common knowledge. The mistress so rarely comes out done well by, you'd think the concept of self preservation above all would be the first rule of that kind of life. Especially given that the "he won't marry you, he'll leave you for someone younger" is pretty much par for the course for

I liked this movie — but not as much as I enjoyed Last Holiday (another Queen Latifah film, with LL Cool J as the love interest); both are fun to watch and make me wish there were more romcoms featuring brown folks. We fall in love quirkily too!

So much this. Damn.

This. the only 'pretty pregnant' type seems to be the 'super skinny with a basketball in front and bigger boobs up top' kind. And if you get any of the physical/aesthetic problems (acne, choasma, rashes, altered gait due to hip and leg issues, cankles) doesn't count.

Hearted for agreement. I think all my black girlfriends, myself included, are extremely open to dating other races for this exact reason — it's a numbers game, so why not better your chances where you can?

as retch-inducing as this conclusion is, I find it rather believable, especially in light of black and brown womens' status/portrayal/perceived beauty.

And do they also hunt down the father of the child and force him to give up *his* job? Or at least, you know, give him some rocks with which to stone the woman who so callously seduced him with her evil ladyparts?

Aw. As a mom-to-be, I'm kind of sad to know that my friends will abandon me when my spawn makes itself known. But I've already started distancing myself so at least it won't seem so bad, and the JudgyMommiesGroup that seems to be my only social alternative won't suck as much.

Honestly, more parents should make their children read books like that. Too often kids grow up thinking that the way they experience the world is the only existence for everyone, and are terribly resistant to the truth when they get older. Good for you for reading it, and good for your mom for allowing you to.

But see, under a republican administration, our job IS to procreate and tend house! The jobs will find *us* — whether we like it or not! And that will leave the REAL jobs for teh menz, you know, since money means more to them anyway! Everyone wins! Except for women. Who don't really count anyway since we have

All these fat shamers can go right straight to hell. Or better yet, locked in a room with a dozen pregnant women who have only been eating 1200 calories a day. If they made it out alive, I bet they'd either keep their yaps shut or sing a damned different tune.